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Necessary improvements to the new Enlisted

Fourth testing of the updated Enlisted!

In this test, you can also check the profile conversion that we further refined and fixed, and we will also go into detail about things that might look like bugs.

First changes to battle ratings

New technologies and improved graphics

Reinforcement of premium squads

Important changes after the second test

Reworking old locations

Changes suggested after testing the update

Testing the new Enlisted!

Friends, we invite you to take part in the testing of the updated Enlisted. Merging campaigns by country, research trees instead of a single branch and many other major changes to the game will be available to you for the first time on the test server.

Weapons and vehicles of the next update

Commanders! We’re happy to announce that the next major update will bring the long-awaited new progression and the transformation of the game, which we’ve covered in previous posts. Alongside those changes we’ll add new weapons and vehicles to your arsenals — this dev diary is all about them.

New currency

Graphical improvements

New levels

Weapon sounds upgrade

New mechanics for repairing armored vehicles