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Server Update 08.10.2021

Session waiting time before the system lowers the minimum amount of players accepted into the battle is increased from 0 to 30 seconds. This will allow to gather larger teams before starting the session. If still needed, additional players will be added to the started battle as before during certain amount of time.

Owners of the Xbox One can now join the battlefields of Enlisted!

Soldiers, we are happy to announce that the online military shooter Enlisted - initially developed only for PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X|S, recently released for PlayStation 4, is now also available on the Xbox One!

Owners of the PlayStation 4 can now join the battlefields of Enlisted!

Soldiers, we are happy to announce that the online military shooter Enlisted - initially developed only for PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X|S, is now also available on the previous generation of consoles! Owners of the PlayStation 4 can enjoy combat in three Enlisted campaigns: the Invasion of Normandy, Battle of Tunisia, and after nearest update - Battle for Moscow. Naturally, playing on the same servers with existing players on other platforms. The fourth campaign - Battle of Berlin - will become available in the end of 2021 or the beginning of 2022. We are also working hard to release Enlisted on Xbox One in the nearest future as well.


Increased accuracy of rifles, semi-automatic rifles and machine guns.

Weapons tuning

Daily rewards

We are happy to present a new game mechanic to reward those Enlisted commanders who play regularly. Daily rewards will be given out every day at the time you first login. They will range from experience boosters to bronze, silver and even golden logistics orders for troops, weapons and vehicles!

Rewards in Twitch Drops this weekend!

To celebrate the beginning of the “Battle of Tunisia” Open Testing, we’ve prepared prizes for all those who watch Enlisted streams on Twitch!

Update ( - Xbox, Playstation)

The following balance changes for the “Invasion” missions have been implemented.


Added vehicle and tank targets, weapons and an ammo box in Practice mode of the “Battle of Tunisia” campaign. Improved the appearance of respawn points in the "Fortress (Invasion)" mission.

Enlisted Major Update and the Tunisia OBT

New game mode — Destruction

There will be no capture points in this battle. Make your way to the enemy's strategic location and blow it up, along with all the defenders in the new Enlisted Mode!


Restored maximum value of “Mouse aim speed” in settings back to 5.

Expanding the front line!

We recently released the “Battle of Tunisia” into closed beta testing, but we are already ready to please you again with new content in the upcoming major update. This time - making the Battle for Moscow and Invasion of Normandy even larger!

The “Battle of Tunisia” second stage and update

The “Battle of Tunisia” campaign includes 15 new levels. Improvements for motorcycle squads, better digging of trenches and foxholes.


Fixed a bug in the Al Har (Invasion) mission where soldiers might respawn in rock.