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Mods Digest: ASAP

The end of the Battle of Stalingrad

Welcome to the Alpha test team

We invite active, enthusiastic players to join the team, who can bring their own impact to the project.

Making Enlisted a Better Place №32

Update (Server Update 26.01.23 - Xbox, PlayStation®)

Added auto-selection of an optimal game server. Rally points are no longer damaged or destroyed by allied flametroopers. AI soldiers can no longer move anti-tank guns and fire personal weapons at the same time. Fixed the charging of reinforcements points before capturing the first point in the Armored Train Escort mode.

John Browning's Birthday


Fixed the loss of soldiers' abilities after the game window has been resized. Fixed a bug that caused players to have a harmonised version of the Japanese army icon instead of the standard one in the previous update. AI soldiers now avoid engineering construction areas. The Battle Pass icon is now correctly displayed on items in all campaigns.

Battle Points Rebalance

Battle Pass: The First Season of 2023


Improved the balance of various missions in all campaigns. PlayStation® 4/5: Fixed a bug that made it impossible for some players to change the appearance of soldiers. Fixed the display of mass changes in the aircraft card when upgraded.

Happy Holidays, Dear Friends!

Mods Digest: Looking forward to the New Year!

Update (Server Update 28.12.22 - Xbox, PlayStation®)

Fixed an error that caused soldier headgear to overlap when examining the squad in the main menu. Fixed lack of semi-automatic mode on the PPD-40. Fixed incorrect counting of kills from the Type 96 machine gun. They are now counted as kills in the “machine gun” weapon type.

It’s easy to report an error!

New Year's Breakthrough operation