Market 24 March 2023 Temporarily available: MP 40/1 Squad From the 24th of March (13:00 UTC) to the 27th of March (13:00 UTC), a premium Axis squad armed with MP 40/1 submachine guns will be available in the Battle of Berlin campaign for Gold.
Shop 17 March 2023 Temporarily available: Chauchat Squad From the 17th of March (13:00 UTC) to the 20th of March (13:00 UTC): a premium Allied squad armed with Chauchat machine guns is available for Gold in the Battle for Moscow campaign.
Update 16 March 2023 Update For all missions, the aircraft respawn point has been further distanced from the closest capture point. Reduced the border line of the capture point.
Update 10 March 2023 Update (Server Update 10.03.23 - Xbox, PlayStation®) Fixed gamepad controls and prioritization for the following actions, and more other fixes.
Update 9 March 2023 Update (Server Update 09.03.23 - Xbox, PlayStation®) Fixed incorrect number of reinforcement points for one team in the Manor (Conquest) mission in the Battle for Moscow campaign and more.