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Update (Server Update 07.03.23 - Xbox, PlayStation®)

Enemy player classes are no longer displayed in the statistics. PC: Fixed a bug that caused the Sb-2m aircraft to sway from side to side during flight.

Update ( - Xbox, PlayStation®)

Making the Enlisted picture more real

Engineer’s Day

About the new progression and matchmaking

The Soviet Army and Navy Day

February 23rd was one of the key national holidays in the USSR — the Soviet Army and Navy Day. To mark this day you will get a discount on premium USSR squads and a rare Assaulters Squad is temporarily available for purchase with Gold.

Enlisted Roadmap

On sale: pilots of Tunisia

In honor of the Battle of Kasserine Pass anniversary, Enlisted will include its aerial members.

Important news

Commanders, in the coming days you will receive a number of classified documents from central command. Prepare the troops of your squads.

Update (Server Update 16.02.23 - Xbox, PlayStation®)

AI soldiers armed with submachine guns will now not use pistols at long range while trying to shoot the enemy. Fixed a bug that caused the commander of the amphibious Ka-Mi tank to drown when moving the vehicle in water.

Making Enlisted a Better Place №33

Discounts for Japan's National Foundation Day

Congratulations to all of our players celebrating this patriotic holiday, and we would like to please fans of Japan in Enlisted with discounts on premium squads.

Search for Replay by nickname

Commanders, the Replay service has a new feature — search by nickname. Thanks to this, you can find battle records that involve a specific player.

Reinforcements received: heavy weapons

Update (Server Update 06.02.23 - Xbox, PlayStation®)

AI soldiers now change primary weapons for a pistol at close range, only if the primary weapons are out of ammo. Fixed a problem in the IS-2 tank armor, which appeared when the turret was rotated. Fixed a bug which caused players from the same squad to be unable to respawn on an ally in the Lone Fighters mode. Fixed a bug that could cause current perk descriptions in the perk selection window to overlap each other.