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“Invasion of Normandy" campaign

In this devblog series we will discuss the development of content which will form part of the campaign “Invasion of Normandy”.

AI in Enlisted: situational response

Today we will talk about the "Situation awareness" — an important part of the AI in Enlisted. More specifically - how we are training the AI players of your squad to better identify hazards and priority targets.

Changing game character inertia

We have increased the responsiveness to the teams in our other project - Cuisine Royale and already received many positive reactions of this change. We hope that you will see similar changes in Enlisted in the next test.

New vehicles and weapons

The available weapons, vehicles and supplies in Enlisted will match the stages of the war and the battles in which you will be involved.

Improved Adaptation and Tone mapping after first open test

One of the feedback points we have received after the first open playtest of Enlisted was “too much light when looking from inside the building outside, it blinds you”, or “reflections from the ground can blind you”. We have tried to improve this situation. So let us discuss the core of the problem and ways to solve it.

The new battlefield: Berlin

In the days surrounding the Victory Day celebration we are ready to show you another important location which is currently under development. You will experience the final days of WWII.