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Capturing New Georgia!

Customization - now without exceptions!

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Making Enlisted a Better Place №43

The Battle of Guadalcanal

Tank observation devices

News on the upcoming major update

Making Enlisted a Better Place №42

What’s new on YouTube #3 - Special episode

Sometimes we will post special episodes, in which we will talk in detail about one special thing, dedicated to our game. Today, this is the Battle Pass!

Armory: New Shipment!

More screenshots for the screenshot contest!

Making Enlisted a Better Place №41


Fixed a bug that caused a detonator to appear in your hands instead of a charge when selecting a TNT mine. Fixed the “75th Marine Infantry Brigade” squad poses.

What's new on YouTube: #2

We have an idea! We'll help you pass the time without Enlisted with videos about Enlisted. In this new digest we'll collect the most interesting reviews, news, guides and other videos dedicated to our game.

Battle Pass: Third Season of 2023