Answering Your Questions & Updating The Roadmap

Greetings, commanders! Last week, we shared our plans for the near future of Enlisted, and you responded with your feedback and suggestions. Your input has helped us adjust our plans, and we're pleased to present an updated roadmap. Thank you!
New points are marked with a differently colored icon.
As you may recall, we also invited you to share your questions - we managed to gather quite a few interesting proposals and opinions from all platforms. Today, we'll be answering some of the most popular ones.
Q. Will you rework animations? Especially running animations with various weapons, particularly with pistols.
A. Yes. We're already working on improving them. We'll pay special attention to those related to soldier movements: running, turning, and changing positions. We hope to show you the first results soon.
Q. You mentioned considering the possibility of letting players change the amount of shells in tanks, as well as the belts and payloads of aircraft. Have you forgotten?
A. We haven't forgotten. We see that players are requesting this feature. However, implementing payloads in the described manner is a very complex and extensive mechanic. It's not a priority at the moment, but we may tackle this task in the future.
Q. Do you plan to expand the number of servers, for example, create dedicated ones for Asia and Oceania? Will there be a setting, like in War Thunder, that prevents you from connecting to ongoing battles?
A. At the moment, this could further fragment the playerbase and lead to a significant increase in matchmaking times. But we're keeping it in mind.
Q. Are there plans to limit players who don't play infantry and constantly stay in tanks in the grey zone or fly planes?
A. We'd like to avoid "restrictions" - we hope to solve the problem through other means, such as altering maps, introducing new mechanics, and improving old ones that will help players counter vehicles in the grey zone and aircraft.
Q. One of the recent events showed that there's demand for PVE content among players. Will you continue working in this direction?
A. We had a lot of fun developing the PVE event for April Fools', and we're glad you enjoyed it. However, maintaining a PVE mode permanently would be challenging. Not only due to implementation difficulties, but also because we want to avoid having "two games in one". Nevertheless, we're discussing this internally.
Q. Will there be an option to separately purchase British and Italian soldiers of various classes?
A. We're considering allowing players to change the voice and name of soldiers to the other nationality in the Appearance settings.
Q. Will there be a colorblind mode in the game?
A. The colors for the in-game HUD were specifically chosen so that people with color vision deficiencies could play Enlisted without problems. However, since you're asking this question, we may have overlooked something. We'll pay attention to this again. If you're experiencing difficulties, please let us know. We'll try to improve these aspects for your convenience.
Q. Will you improve or reworke the customization system? For example, by adding seasons: autumn, winter, summer?
A. Unfortunately, this approach isn't suitable for Enlisted - besides seasons, there's also the time period to consider. Uniforms in the summer of 1941 and the summer of 1945 can differ significantly, which is reflected in the game, and we don't want to lose that.
Instead, we plan to analyze the current customization system and possibly adjust the order price relative to the amount that a player can realistically obtain. We plan to address this after we finish balancing the Silver earnings.
Q. Are there plans to rework the "Rider" class? Currently, its effectiveness is questionable. Will other countries get motorcycles too? Now they're only available for Germany and the USA.
A. Yes, improving the "Rider" class is in our plans.
Q. As you answered earlier, you decided to abandon the idea of "veteran" soldiers, but are there any plans for something similar in terms of concept and mechanics?
A. We don't have such plans, but we had ideas to make a "second" layer of progression for soldiers. We might return to this in the future.
Q. Are there plans to limit or nerf anti-personnel mines? For example, being able to place them only while crouching or making them available only to engineers.
A. We have plans to rebalance or change the mechanics of anti-personnel mines. At this stage, we're considering several options: allowing engineers to find mines and disarm them, reducing the blast radius of mines to make it harder to "cover" a large area, lowering the durability of the mines, so they trigger from explosions and shots more easily. Some or all of these changes may appear in one of the upcoming updates.
Q. Are there any plans to make it possible to transfer accounts from console to PC?
A. Implementing such a feature is difficult. It's unlikely.
Q. How will the new deserter penalty work?
A. When leaving a battle early, players will incur a penalty on experience and silver earnings in subsequent battles. This penalty won't apply if the player has spent enough time in the battle. The specific values of the penalty, the number of battles affected and the duration of the penalty are still being discussed within the team. We'll inform you of the exact details closer to the release of this mechanic. We'd like to clarify that this penalty will be introduced alongside other planned matchmaking improvements.
Q. Will there be any gameplay changes for players? For example, there are currently too many explosions on the battlefield. Or perhaps a rework of the gray zone in certain missions?
A. World War II had many explosions - bombs, artillery - and our game reflects this. However, we’re trying to ensure that infantry can always react somehow to such things. We're already working on the gray zones. The changes in Moscow and Tunisia, and changes in Berlin are examples of what we've already implemented. But it's important to understand that Enlisted has many missions, and all these changes are made manually - so it will take some time to fix all the gray zones.
Q. Will there be a filter or search function for weapons in the storage, or something similar? Sometimes it's easy to get lost in the large amount of available weapons.
A. Good idea! We've added it to our to-do list.
Q. Are you considering any improvements to premium squads? For example, adding a universal slot for specialists?
A. Yes, we've seen this request from players. Therefore, we're considering the possibility of giving all premium squads a universal slot for an additional specialist, where possible.
Q. Will anti-aircraft guns also get an improved version for high BR like anti-tank guns?
A. For now, we hope to balance the infantry vs aircraft fights with one set of anti-aircraft guns. But if that doesn't work out, we'll certainly consider adding a separate set of AA guns for higher BR.
Q. The roadmap didn't mention anything about custom matches and the mod editor. Are there any planned changes for them? New functionalities, improvements or quality of life updates?
A. We're constantly working on improving them and fixing the issues that you report on, but developing interesting improvements and new functions is very complex and time-consuming. Currently, the priority is on the game's core mechanics.