Making Enlisted a Better Place №43

Each issue of our weekly series focuses on a certain aspect of the game or a particular mechanic, in which we correct smaller, but noticeable bugs and add new interesting features.
Beware! It bites!
On some attack aircraft, the air gunners did not fire at the enemy for a long time or were very inaccurate. This is not good!

We solved this problem and fixed the gunners. The changes affect the following vehicles: Bf 110 G-2, Bf 110 C-7, Ju 87 R-2, Ju-188 and IL-10. The defenders of your rear are now back in action!
More special souvenirs
Based on your feedback, we have increased the number of pistol swords you can purchase to six. These are the much talked about weapons of the new Battle Pass season.

Now you can arm an entire squad with your favorite pistols!
- When you hover over the Battle Pass widget in the main menu, the list of current tasks (if there are no completed tasks) will appear. You can perform the usual actions on the tasks: change them, read their description.
- Fixed the incorrect loading screen on Xbox One X when HDR is enabled.
- Corrected the sight position on the Bf 109 G-14.
- Fixed texture display issues on some planes while using minimum graphics settings.
- Fixed a bug that caused the unfilled stars that represent a soldier’s level to blur into the background in the Battle tab.
- Fixed the incorrect behavior of the Pz. IV H tank crew on certain terrain.
- Fixed a bug that caused the sight to be off-center the first time an engineer's AT gun was used.
- Fixed a bug where it was impossible to drop weapons from the second slot.
- Fixed a bug that caused some items to not fit in the screen when changing equipment.
- Fixed the overlapping buttons when selecting a weapon on the equipment change screen.
- Added automatic horizontal text scrolling for options in the settings menu.
- Fixed the display of icons in the Personnel upgrades screen of some squads.
- Increased field of view and reduced vignetting for Polsten anti-aircraft guns.
- AI Improvement: At close and medium range, AI soldiers ordered to hold a point now move aside or crouch if allies are aiming at them or trying to fire through them.
Lots of exciting game mechanics have been realized or improved thanks to your ideas. We are watching our communities, other Enlisted sites and regularly check the forum for your feedback and reports.
So share, suggest, and report!