Pre-order: "Firestorm" tanker squads

We are preparing for another major Enlisted update! Massive new additions will soon arrive on the battlefield - they say only large guns can counter them... But first, we present to you the new premium vehicles that come with the "Firestorm" pre-order bundle!
The bundle includes the M26 T99, one of the early modifications of the M26, equipped with M8 rocket launchers right on the turret and the Ho-Ri Prototype - an earlier version of the well-known Ho-Ri, which should be feared as much as the later model!
Squads with these vehicles have premium status and provide commanders with +100% experience (and Silver along with it)!

The advantages of this tank are obvious: its armor, which is decent for a medium tank, can withstand shells from many fourth tier tanks and under favorable conditions, even from the fifth, while its 90 mm cannon with its wide range of shells can penetrate any opponent, even the top-tier ones.
The main feature of this tank is its 114 mm M8 rockets, of which it has 44. These will be very useful against infantry and lightly armored vehicles.

The earlier version of the Ho-Ri self-propelled gun from the tech tree: although its armor is lighter, it still protects against many opponents. The Ho-Ri Prototype is equipped with a similar 105 mm cannon, dangerous for both top-tier US tanks and infantry.
Other advantages of this self-propelled gun include good mobility and off-road capability - not many large vehicles can boast this.
Pre-order bundle
Purchase the "Firestorm" bundle before the major update is released to receive exclusive pre-order bonuses: a portrait and a nickname decorator.
If you're playing Enlisted on console, you can get these bonuses by purchasing the "Firestorm" bundle within 14 days of the update’s release.