New currency

Greetings, commanders. In this blog we have prepared for you some details on the conversion of bronze and silver orders into the new currency — silver.
The blog is dedicated to the upcoming open test of the updated Enlisted with the reworked progression, campaign merge and other improvements. Please note that the numbers presented in this blog are not final and are subject to change based on your feedback!
New economy
More straightforward. You'll still gain experience in battles, which you'll use to research new weapons, squads and vehicles for an entire country. But instead of four different orders for soldiers and weapons (silver and bronze) there will be silver coins. The amount of which will also depend on the experience earned in battle.

For silver, like for the orders now, you will be able to purchase weapons, equipment, vehicles and to upgrade them. We have prepared a preliminary plan for you to convert your orders to the new currency.
Conversion rates
Straight to the point. You currently have orders on your account. With the release of the update, we will convert them to silver coins. Here's the conversion rate:
- 1 bronze weapon order = 200 coins
- 1 bronze soldier order = 100 coins
- 1 silver weapon order = 500 coins
- 1 silver soldier order = 1,000 coins
The reward for the battle will not change in any way, it will still depend on the amount of experience earned, but the orders will simply be converted into silver coins at the specified rate.
Before you familiarize yourself with the examples, remember that with the merging of campaigns into countries, in the new Enlisted you will need far fewer soldiers, weapons and vehicles! For example, the USA (Allies) will be represented as a single country, rather than three independent armies in the Pacific, Normandy and Tunisia. This way, a full army for a single country will require less equipment.
Now to the specifics.
- before — the estimated price if you convert your current orders to silver coins.
- after — the price in silver coins in the new economy.
Purchasing a soldier
Based on class (before/after):
- I = 1 000 / 3 000
- II = 1 000 / 7 500
- III = 1 000 / 9 000
- IV = 1 000 / 11 500
In the new economy we have also removed the lootbox mechanic from the store. No more randomization — now when buying weapons and soldiers you will always get them with the same rank.
Upgrading a soldier (before/after):
- I = 3 600 / 0
- II = 9 000 / 0
- III = 11 400 / 0
- IV = 11 400 / 0
Purchasing a weapon (before/after):
- I = 500 / 1 000
- II = 1 000 / 3 000
- III = 1 500 / 5 000
Fully upgrading a weapon without the discount from squad upgrades (before/after):
- I = 5 600 / 2 550
- II = 11 200 / 8 300
- III = 22 600 / 16 650
Fully upgrading a weapon with the 40% discount from squad upgrades (before/after):
- I = 3 600 / 1 530
- II = 7 000 / 4 980
- III = 13 800 / 9 990
The same applies to weapons. Instead of warehouses full of unused weapons, you will have fewer and better weapons. The upgrade price will be lower.
Purchasing a vehicle (before/after):
- I = 0 / 5 000
- II = 0 / 15 000
- III = 0 / 25 000
Fully upgrading a vehicle without the discount from squad upgrades (before/after):
- I = 16 800 / 12 750
- II = 33 600 / 41 500
- III = 67 200 / 83 250
Fully upgrading a vehicle with the 40% discount from squad upgrades (before/after):
- I = 10 400 / 7 650
- II = 20 400 / 24 900
- III = 40 600 / 49 950
Vehicles, on average, will become more expensive. In the old economy, armored squad commanders got their formidable war machines for free - simply while progressing. Whereas infantry commanders had to arm their squads and supply them with the necessary equipment. We have brought the cost of armored vehicles roughly in line with that of infantry squads. In preparation for the research tree, where weapons, soldiers and vehicles will have their own price, as well as the option that you can choose not to unlock or buy some of them.
We look forward to hearing your thoughts on this topic. And let us remind you that all the squads and weapons you already have will also remain in your warehouses - you can even sell the unnecessary ones and get more silver.
See you on the test server. It’s coming soon.