Mods Digest: Incredible possibilities

Today we have some more interesting missions and hangars to review from several talented Enlisted authors!
Thanks to the mod editor, Enlisted is an endlessly scalable game, you can create a unique mission or even an entirely new location yourself, using thousands of objects from all of the game's campaigns.
Battle of the Reichstag by Dinosavr38
Original mission title: Battle for the Reichstag.
You have approached this government building in Berlin numerous times, but the author, ahead of the developers, decided to let you go beyond the stairs. Here is how he presents the interior of the imperial assembly building.
This is the second large-scale work of the author, which can be safely called a location created from scratch. More than 13 thousand objects, six months of work. And it's not only small details placed all over the building, but also the Reichstag itself - because in the game it is almost completely empty inside.

Only infantry can take part in this battle, and all the action happens on the first two floors, where the three strategic points of the classic "Capture" mode are located. However, you are free to climb further - all the way to the roof, ignoring the mission objectives. Except your allies won't appreciate it.
At the author's request, __PRAETORIAN__ and Devenddar, who helped in the creation of the map, will also receive the rewards.

Survival Game by ShavedPrivates
Original mission title: The Last of us.
A unique mission! Two familiar modes, Fully Armed and Conquest, combined in this battle on the ruins of the post-apocalyptic world. Two teams of raiders will clash for resources, but you can achieve victory in two ways - by completely annihilating your enemies or by capturing and holding the control points.

Movement is life here. You won't be able to stay in hiding - the enemy will simply gain control over the points and will be waiting for your inglorious defeat.

Additionally, this location is filled with a huge amount of details, secret areas in the gray zone, bonus items, as well as extremely dangerous... Infected! What? Yes! The post-apocalypse theme is not just for show - be afraid of these guys.
Path of Glory by Schyrikami
Original local mission title: Path of Glory.
For the first time we dare to add to the mod digest a local mission that can only be played if your settings are set to "only one player" while creating a custom game.

In this highly unusual version of World War I, you will find a changed look of soldiers, a lot of new mechanics and updated classes of fighters. You can even ride a horse (no kidding)!

And don't be surprised that it's made of stone. Nor that you will be able to control armored soldiers and officers of the hundredth rank! That's the author's vision.
Nevertheless, the work done here is amazing (if you're a fan of modern art). At the beginning you'll have all squads locked except for one, which is filled with the most basic fighters and weapons. Once you've gained enough points, you will be able to use specialized soldiers.

Should we add horses to multiplayer?
Hangar | A frozen moment in the past
Times change. Some things go away and some things stay. As you may have noticed, after the interface update we also changed the hangar.
The old version of the hangar has been carefully preserved by Scav_Sergei for those who would like to see that “greener grass” (it wasn't there!).

However, we would like to warn you in advance that this hangar uses a map, which may be removed from future versions of the game. And if you get errors at launch, change or delete the hangar file.
More details about installation in this guide.
Each author whose work is featured in our section of interesting mods will receive a unique portrait of an engineer and an additional gold weapon order!
You can get gold orders in the game multiple ways, but the portrait... It is simply impossible to get it otherwise. So if you meet such a player in battle, show them your respect. :)

Every one of you can create your own mission, as well as launch any mission from the portal. Here’s a quick reminder how to launch one of these multiplayer missions.
- Choose a mission you like on the Enlisted sandbox (Game Mods) portal and press COPY MOD URL on its page.
- In the game, open game mode selection (above the START button) and choose “Custom matches”.
- Press the “Create Game” button, then on the right side “No active mod” and paste the previously copied URL.
Now you only need to configure the main settings, and you’re good to go — your server is in the list. Tell your friends to come, wait for other players to join or play by yourself.
In addition to launching a mission, every one of you can install a custom hangar and so replace the foggy background with something new! Below is a quick tutorial on how to do this:
- Choose the hangar you are interested in on the Enlisted Sandbox (Hangars) portal and click DOWNLOAD on its card.
- Place the downloaded file in the userGameMods folder, which is located in the game's folder. If the userGameMods folder is missing, then just create it.
- Make sure that the file is named hangar.
Now all that's left is to run the game and enjoy the new look!