Making Enlisted a Better Place №45
Each issue of our weekly series focuses on a certain aspect of the game or a particular mechanic, in which we correct smaller, but noticeable bugs and add new interesting features.

Optics adjustments
In one of our previous “Making Enlisted a Better Place” updates, we told you about the improvements of tank optics. However, there were a few minor problems with certain vehicles.

We corrected the optics and fixed the related errors on the T-34-85E, BT-7, BM-8-24 and Pz. II F. Nothing will stop you from hitting your targets with shells and rockets anymore!
Magnetized Engineer Structures
If you've ever wanted to pick up a weapon near a built ammo crate or other fortification, you've been familiar with this problem: instead of picking up the weapon, you started destroying the structure.

Fixed! Now picking up weapons becomes easier and more convenient near built fortifications.
- Fixed a bug in the "Battle for Stalingrad" campaign where a player was prompted to collect the reward for the next level that he had not yet reached.
- Fixed a bug that occurred when loading server replays.
- Fixed a bug in one of the missions on the Beloe Lake map in the Battle of Moscow campaign where the AI soldiers of the attackers could get stuck at the respawn inside the house.
Lots of exciting game mechanics have been realized or improved thanks to your ideas. We are watching our communities, other Enlisted sites and regularly check the forum for your feedback and reports.
So share, suggest, and report!