Making Enlisted a Better Place №44
Each issue of our weekly series focuses on a certain aspect of the game or a particular mechanic, in which we correct smaller, but noticeable bugs and add new interesting features.

Although we're mostly preparing for the upcoming major update, we also keep working on your favorite series as well. This time we've fixed a number of bugs, improved the interface and the AI’s behavior.
Dealing with jams
We are constantly improving the AI and fixing non-obvious problems with their behavior. For example, AI soldiers could get stuck at a rally point if it was built too close to a doorway.

The navigation of the soldiers has been adjusted. Thanks to Reddit user Global_Excuse_7736 for this important report!
Uniques are maximized
Since the sixth season of Battle Pass (currently the tenth season is underway), gold order soldiers always have the maximum characteristics for their class. But while purchasing them, the preview still showed a spread of perk points as if they were like regular soldiers.

We've corrected this and from now on the numbers will not confuse anyone!
- Fixed a bug that could cause experienced players to get into battles meant for newcomers.
- Fixed a bug that caused the soldier to shout the order to get into the vehicle while getting out of the tank alone.
- Added horizontal text scrolling option to the settings of the Control menu.
- Redesigned the camera zoom system for the commander sticking out of the hatch. Now the commander's zoom will not be lost if the gunner's seat is empty.
- Fixed a bug that caused the booster icon not to be displayed in the reward window.
Lots of exciting game mechanics have been realized or improved thanks to your ideas. We are watching our communities, other Enlisted sites and regularly check the forum for your feedback and reports.
So share, suggest, and report!