Making Enlisted a Better Place №42

Each issue of our weekly series focuses on a certain aspect of the game or a particular mechanic, in which we correct smaller, but noticeable bugs and add new interesting features.
The Ultimate question of Armor penetration, Post-penetration damage and Everything

Lately, we've received a notable amount of complaints about tank shells, ranging from what players consider to be weak damage to armor penetration issues. The problem was quite challenging, as there was no specific benchmark, and sometimes you even compared the shells in Enlisted to other games. :) But we thoroughly investigated this very complex issue and managed to find some bugs.
We are glad to present you the results of our work! The game now features pressure damage for projectiles containing explosives. This is an additional damaging factor that causes damage to the crew in case of a successful penetration of the armor or even a hit near vehicles with an open cabin. The damage models have also been noticeably updated, along with adjustments to penetration and damage calculations based on distance, fragmentation damage, and blast damage. All this together should please the most detail-hungry tankers.

And we also fixed a bug due to which shells wouldn't stop after hitting a vehicle and explode a second time further along their trajectory.
Expanding the horizon
A number of improvements have been made for the tank optics as well!

Tank sights characteristics have been adjusted to more eye-pleasing values - the angle of view has increased and the vignetting has become less significant. In addition, you will be able to switch between tank sights much faster!
- Disabled the ability to zoom in with the commander's optics. Usually such devices did not have the possibility of additional zoom.
- Added new gun sights to multiple tanks: IS-2, T-34 (1941), T-34E "STZ" and SU-100.
Lots of exciting game mechanics have been realized or improved thanks to your ideas. We are watching our communities, other Enlisted sites and regularly check the forum for your feedback and reports.
So share, suggest, and report!