Making Enlisted a Better Place №40

Each issue of our weekly series focuses on a certain aspect of the game or a particular mechanic, in which we correct smaller, but noticeable bugs and add new interesting features.
Shotguns for the masses!
We have seen your feedback that shotguns are not as effective as many of you would like. Well, we have a solution!

We've improved a couple of aspects of this peculiar weapon: reduced the spread when firing from the hip and increased the buckshot’s damage by 20%. We believe this change will be well received by everyone (except maybe your enemies). Double-barrel shotguns, TOZ-B and M30 Luftwaffe Drilling, have had their spread reduced even more significantly.
In addition, we’ve also chosen what we believe to be the most reasonable suggestion from the community: expanding the list of classes that can equip shotguns. Now even engineers can greet enemies with a one-shot! Hurry to the shop!
Phantom mines
Sometimes your hard earned mines could disappear without a trace upon your first spawn in the battle.

Not anymore, we’ve fixed the problem!
“Battle” and “Squads” tabs
Since the debut of the new Enlisted UI, we have been collecting your feedback and releasing improvements regularly. But this one is especially big.
The updated interface has split the first tab in the main menu into the battle screen and the soldier equipment management tab. This change was made to simplify the main screen, but we’ve received many requests to roll it back to the old way.

We did what you asked. The features available in the separate "Battle" and "Squads" tabs have now been merged back together on the main screen. Thank you for your contribution to making Enlisted better!
- AI soldiers will not remain in light vehicles (cars, boats, motorcycles) if they catch fire.
- Reduced the recoil of the Kiraly 43M and made it more predictable.
- Corrected the text alignment in the weapon purchase window.
- Fixed a bug that prevented anti-tank launchers from penetrating tanks at close range.
- For gamepads, added a shortcut and a tooltip to enable the “Join any team” option when searching for a game.
- For gamepads, added additional hotkeys in the "Custom Matches" menu and in "Create game" menu.
- Battle tasks have been moved to the Battlepass window. The task list is now duplicated in the game search window.
Lots of exciting game mechanics have been realized or improved thanks to your ideas. We are watching our communities, other Enlisted sites and regularly check the forum for your feedback and reports.
So share, suggest, and report!