Answering your questions!

Greetings, commanders. We've collected quite a few great questions on various platforms, and we want to answer them and tell you about our plans for the near future of Enlisted. While doing so we even changed a few of our own opinions on the game!
Q: Do the developers ever plan to head into modern combat/wars?
A. There are no such plans for Enlisted in the near future. Right now we want to complete the major redesign of the game. It's a very time-consuming and difficult process that won't end even after the new progression system is released - more and more exciting content from the "later stages" of WWII will appear in the game. We haven't even mentioned the many interesting campaigns you can expect.
Q: With the Full Release on the horizon, as well as the new tech tree merge, will the Long Awaited weapon modification and Veteran Soldiers finally be available to research?
A. Considering the scale of the progression redesign, we put the idea of introducing them into the game on hold. But we may come back to it in the future.
Q: Are there any plans to increase the squad size, or allow us to queue with / against others?
A. We will definitely not increase it, because the community asked us the opposite - less player groups in battles. Maybe we'll consider changing the priorities of the new matchmaking (Groups on Groups), if it doesn't hurt the queue times.
Q: Are there plans to implement customization of weapons? Eg. adding your preferred scopes or bayonets to weapons, or switching out the magazine.
A. We're certainly going to make special events with uniquely-designed weapons, but there are no plans to implement customization in the near future in Enlisted. We have a historical game, unfortunately during WWII the weapons were not diverse enough in real life, so there's no weapon customization in the game. We introduce all the interesting looking rare historical variants in events and Battle Passes as individual items.
Q: Is there going to be a choice to choose the bombs and shells of a plane/tank?
A. We noticed the request for this option and will consider it. However, it has a number of difficulties: in the new Enlisted, vehicles will have a Battle rating, which would have to change along with the change in armament.
Q: Will Chat and friend system be improved, such as: Squad chat; Know if your friend is in game or just afk at lobby; Chat with even enemies in a game.
A. Squad chat and improved status display - added to our plans. Chat with enemies - doubt it. It never led to anything good.
Q: Also can there be an option where we can auto login instead of pressing login every time in the loading screen?
A. We have plans for such a feature.
Q: Are there plans to improve the replay mode? Namely, to add a function to go back in time while watching the replay to record the same scene from different camera angles. Would help creating cinematic videos.
A. Yes. On a regular basis. In the latest major update we've fixed a lot of bugs and added the option to rewind replays, as you asked.
Q: Do the devs plan on making a live spectator function for custom games?
A. Not at the moment, because we think that this kind of functionality is only needed when there are tournaments. When the tournaments appear in the game, we will make this functionality.
Q: Will there be some way to take more premium squads into battle since many people will have more of these squads than they can use after the merge (especially for Germany)?
A. We recently decided that premium squad owners will be able to count on an extra slot - specifically for premium squads. This will allow them to take their favorites into battles, even if all slots are filled with their regular army line-up. Although the feature is in the works, we're not sure if we'll have time to introduce it directly with the major update. It may appear later.
Q: When are there gonna be tournaments? A well designed tournament structure will lead to large social media promotion & growth for the game.
A. In the short term we're busy with the major update. As long as we're not done balancing what is essentially a new game, it's too risky to make large-scale tournaments. For now, we plan to do small competitive events. Stay tuned.
Q: When do you plan on expanding the mod editors capabilities?
A. We have already collected a lot of feedback from the authors and are working on it. You may have seen the first results in the recent major update. And next month we'll start communicating with the author community even more actively - we will be collecting feedback and problems with the editor and hope that you will tell us what kind of improvements you would like to see.
By the way, thanks again for your hard work and the first custom hangars. The cooperation with you made it possible to add their support to the game.
Q: Are there any plans to link Enlisted with the Gaijin Marketplace and make event squads/weapons able to be traded there?
A. In the long term, we'd like to integrate the market into Enlisted. In the future, we want to make events more convenient and introduce content suitable for trading. We believe this will enable more players to access premium content just by playing the game.
Q: Will the old Premium Squads (and old event squads like the PPK-42) get their Engineer Slot added?
A. We see how popular this request is and will consider adding engineers to old premium squads. It probably will not be all squads, and the preparation itself may take time.
Q: Is there any plan to improve the current animations in the game? Do you plan to add movement inertia and to make leaning a bit slower/more realistic?
A. Back when we announced the roadmap, we also told you about the work on the animation improvements. This promise is not forgotten - the work is in progress and we will present the results in the future. We don't see leaning as a problem at the moment and don't see the community actively discussing it, but we are always open to a constructive dialogue about it.
Q: Will we ever see the social functions of Enlisted be improved upon? For example, the game really lacks a referral program
A. In our experience such systems do not work well enough and they are often used by misbehaving players who create additional accounts. That's why we don't have any such plans at the moment.
Q: Are there plans to add paratroopers to all factions after the merge?
A. So far, there are no such plans. But we can introduce more squads with events and as a premium.
Q: Is there any plan to add a vehicle slot for F2P Players? The game is essentially P2W free with the sole exception of F2P having to pick between Planes and Ground Vehicles. Which leads to situations where they cannot compete.
A. Not planned. We want to keep the game's infantry/vehicle balance, and since most players have 3 infantry slots and only 1 vehicle slot, this guarantees that balance.
Q: Do the developers want to implement on the new maps / add to current maps - side objectives in addition to the main ones?
A. Such tasks are really interesting. We even have a list of ideas, but it's hard to achieve a satisfying balance for both sides, and because of this so far we do not plan to introduce new features to missions yet.
Q: Any plans to make some changes to Gold Order Soldiers? For example: giving the oldest GO-soldiers max stat? Or giving these soldiers some cool extra features?
A. All new unique soldiers for gold orders - from season 6 onwards - already have maximum stats. Although we want to make unique soldiers even more interesting and are considering giving them a small experience boost.