Making Enlisted a Better Place №37

Each issue of our weekly series focuses on a certain aspect of the game or a particular mechanic, in which we correct smaller, but noticeable bugs and add new interesting features.
UI Improvements
Enlisted recently updated its UI. As you have noted both the improvements and shortcomings, we will continue to refine it according to your feedback!

Changed the player's inventory, which will immediately catch your eye when you enter the game. We have added the long-awaited zoom-in and zoom-out feature when viewing weapons and vehicles. Important changes were also made to the Upgrades tab, as we changed the color of the icons for unlocked upgrades. And if you fully upgrade a branch, it will change its icon.
Simplifying quick chat
Many questions in the world are unanswered. For example, why an ally wants to attack a point your team is defending. From today, one less question of this kind exists today!

This means that if a player looks at the enemy point A, the message will change to "Attack zone A", if at the allied point C — "Defend zone C".
Vehicle crew's ammo refill
Now imagine: you get out of your damaged tank once again, but you suddenly notice that you have almost no ammo. "Why so?! I just stopped by a resupply point!"

Not anymore. Tankers, riders and engineers on a motorcycle at the resupply point can refill their vehicles with ammunition and also grab a couple of magazines for their personal weapons without leaving the vehicle.
Stop standing in the way of my hammer
You keep noticing that your AI soldiers are getting into the outline of a construction project and not letting you finish it.

Now your squad members are trying to move away from the engineering structure you are building. Show some respect for the man with the hammer!
- Changed the icons that notify of a new level in the campaign and the unlocking of a new item.
- Changed the logic behind notifications in the store. Now to remove the "green dot" from the store tabs, just open and close the section where the new offer is located.
- AI soldiers now try to change their unthrown grenade to their main weapon when there are no available targets.
- Fixed a bug where some bushes were blocking damage.
- Removed the possibility to kill the controlled soldier through the menu in the Tutorial.
- Fixed the weapon type of the Wz.35 AT rifle.
- Multiple UI improvements and changes.
- Soldiers in the "Squads" tab are moved more to the side.
- Nameplates, soldier portraits and the number of "stars" have become larger.
- Added a "Claim all" button to the weekly tasks menu.
- Fixed the difference of fonts in the item's price for Gold and orders.
- Riders will no longer obstruct your view of their vehicle.
- The Heavy machine gun no longer obscures the soldiers.
- Fixed the D-pad not working correctly in the squad selection menu on controllers.
- Improved motion sensor control on PlayStation®4 and PlayStation®5.
- Added motion sensor settings to the control menu.
- Added ability to use motion sensors for tank commanders when looking out of the hatch with personal weapons.
- Added possibility to limit motion sensor operation so that it works only during aiming.
Lots of exciting game mechanics have been realized or improved thanks to your ideas. We are watching our communities, other Enlisted sites and regularly check the forum for your feedback and reports.
So share, suggest, and report!