Extending Current Season and Clearing Excess Items from the Battle Pass Shop

Greetings, commanders! We have several updates for you on Enlisted’s development.
We’re tirelessly working on the major update and will soon begin to publish dev diaries, but before that we’d like to touch upon another important part of our game — the Battle Pass.
Extending the current BP season
Preliminarily until July 26th. We’ll use this time to prepare both the major update and the new season. Use these extra days to get rewards that you were getting close to!
Clearing the BP shop
Soon after the release of the major update we plan to reduce the number of offers in the Battle Pass Shop: remove some soldiers whose classes are repeated, and remove excess vehicles from multiple campaigns. Don’t worry, Battle Pass weapons will remain mostly unchanged. These changes will allow us to prepare the Shop for the upcoming campaign merge.
Items we plan to remove:
Battle of Moscow
- T-60 “Red guards”
- Pz. III ausf. E 18. “600” Pz.Div
- Prokhor Tikilyanov | Machine Gunner II
- Viktor Karandakov | Radio Operator II
- Dmitry Lavrinenko | Tanker II
- Willi Birkler | Machine Gunner II
- Helmut Meier | Radio Operator II
Invasion of Normandy
- M10 GMC “702 TD”
- Bf 110 G-2 “Herget”
- Bf 109 G-10 I./JG 27
- Allan DeFonzo | Engineer II
- Johannes Steinhoff | Tanker II
- Kurt Pitschmann | Engineer II
- Raymond Zussman | Tanker II
Battle of Berlin
- Yak-3 “12”
- Yak-3 “100 White”
- Yak-9T “Belorussian Front”
- Tiger E “Ervin Tarczay”
- Bf 109 G-6 “3”
- Me 410 B-1 "Aufklärungsgruppe"
- Ignat Stachenkov | Machine Gunner II
- Stepan Labuzhsky | Engineer II
- Ivan Klimanov | Fighter pilot II
- Nikolai Rigachin | Sniper II
- Hans Jaschker | Machine Gunner II
- Alfred Simm | Engineer II
- Wilhelm Mayer | Fighter pilot II
- Otto Velten | Sniper II
Battle of Tunisia
- Spitfire Mk Vc/trop 249 Sqn, RAF
- A13 Mk II “3rd RTR”
- Pz. III J “Strolch II”
- Pz. IV F2 7th Panzer Regiment 10th Panzer Division
- Autoblinda-41 “15” Polizia Africa Italiana
- Gillian Gibson | Fighter pilot II
- Derek Seagrim | Assaulter II
- Carmelo Buscalia | Fighter pilot II
- Giovanni Cracco | Tanker II
- Carlo Borsani | Assaulter II
- Carmelo Borg | Engineer II
- Pedersen rifle (it was previously removed from Normandy, now it is also being removed from Tunisia)
Battle of Stalingrad
- T-34e STZ “L2-KS Artem” 130th tank brigade
- T-34 (1941) “Za Stalina!”
- Pz. IV F2 “1233”
- Pz. IV F2 Infantry motorized division “Greater Germany”
- Savely Savoyanov | Assaulter II
- Richard Lepper | Machine Gunner II
- Werner Hopfel | Assaulter II
Pacific War
- M3 Stuart “C” Company, 1st USMC Tank Battalion
- Anthony Casamento | Assaulter II
Please note
The list above includes vehicles, soldiers, and one weapon that will become unavailable for purchase after the next major update. It does not include items scheduled for removal from sale at the end of the current Battle Pass season: check the timer in the store to be sure when they will no longer be available.
If you're interested in any of these items, check out the Battle Pass store - you still have time!