Battle Points Rebalance

This is big news for each and every Enlisted player — we're doing a major rebalance of Battle Point rewards for lots of valuable actions!
Only Fair Rewards
Every action in a battle brings you closer to victory. No battle is limited strictly to kills — you build your own or break enemies' constructions, you heal, mark enemies, attack vehicles, provide ammo. Since the first balancing of scoring actions, enough time has passed that our game has seen the introduction of more powerful tanks, faster and more heavily-armed aircraft, and countless new mechanics.
The catalyst for this economic balancing act was the desire to make rewards for actions more fair and relevant to the effort put into them.
So in Numbers
- 50% increase in battle points awarded for destroying armored vehicles and all related actions, such as damage assistance;
- 100% increase in battle points for destroying aircraft and all related actions, such as damage assistance;
- 20% increase in battle points for contributing to the team as an Engineer: use of your structures, damage by your structures, assists with your structures.
- 20% increase in battle points for destroying enemies' engineer structures;
- 50% increase in battle points for being useful to the team as a Medic: healing, as well as the use of your medical boxes.
- 20% increase in battle points for repairing and extinguishing armored vehicles.
All of these changes are already live!
Now you will be getting much more points in battles the more valuable you are to your team. These changes are a great addition to the large list of improvements for the new Battle Pass Season.