Update ( - Xbox, PlayStation®)

A huge set of bug fixes and improvements for your battle experience is here, commanders! We’ve added a new mission in the Pacific War campaign, improved aircraft controls and made their engines less loud. SPAAGs in the Pacific no longer explode when losing their crew — and a lot more important fixes you’ve been asking for are already in the game. Best of luck in your battles!
- Added a new mission — Guadalcanal Coast West (Invasion) in the Pacific War campaign.
- The capture zone of the strategic point “Pier” in the Gavutu missions in the Pacific War campaign has been enlarged. Now you can capture the point from below the pier.
- Corrected spawn points near the pier in the Gavutu missions in the Pacific War campaign.
- Fixed the incorrect display of the battle area in the Guadalcanal Coast (Invasion) mission in the Pacific War campaign.
- Fixed the incorrect display of the battle area in the Tenaru River (Invasion) mission in the Pacific War campaign.
- Corrected battle areas for missions in the Battle for Berlin.
- Corrected battle areas for missions in the Battle for Tunisia.
- Added more beach forts in the Tenaru River (Invasion) mission in the Pacific war campaign.
Soldiers and equipment
- Added 5 new uniforms to the soldier customization sets in the Pacific War campaign.
- Added a new model for the PPD 34/38 with the drum magazine.
- Recoil parameters for the M1 Garand with the M7 grenade launcher have been set to be equal to parameters of the regular M1 Garand (recoil has been increased to match the regular M1 Garand).
- The recoil of the Type Otsu rifle has been reduced by 9%, leftward movement has been decreased, rate of fire has been increased from 320 to 380 shots per minute.
- Paratroopers' SMG Type 100 — recoil has been reduced by 17%.
- SMG Type 100 early — recoil has been reduced by 19%.
- Type 100 SMGs — single shot fire mode has been removed.
- Type 96 LMG — reload time has been reduced from 4.0 to 3.5 seconds; increased recoil control, rebalanced inertia so that during movement the sights wouldn’t move as much.
- Type Otsu rifle — ammo capacity has been increased from 25 to 50.
- M1 Garand — ammo capacity has been increased from 32 to 48.
- M1941 Johnson rifle — ammo capacity has been increased from 30 to 50.
- M13 — armor piercing capabilities of the 12.7mm AP rounds has been reduced.
- Now when the crews of the M13 and Ta-Se have been killed, the vehicles won’t instantly explode. It will happen after some time or if the vehicles receive high enough damage.
Battle Pass
- Added battles in the Pacific War campaign to the rotation of daily tasks.
- Added battles in the Battle for Berlin campaign to the rotation of daily tasks.
Other improvements
- The model of the Japanese engineers’ shovel has been replaced with an authentic one.
- The look of engineer, radio operator, and machine gunner squads has been improved.
Bug fixes
- Fixed an error that caused aircraft controls to become unresponsive in certain situations.
- Fixed missing image in optical sights of aircraft.
- Fixed an error that caused the Tailgunner of the SBD-3 aircraft to disappear.
- Fixed several visual errors on the Pacific War campaign locations.
- Fixed an error with higher than necessary rate of fire of the Thompson M1928A1 SMG with a drum magazine (rate of fire has been reduced from 900 to 700 shots per minute).
- Fixed weapon class of the Type 97 machine gun.
- Fixed an error that caused the Thompson M1928 USMC, Arisaka type 99, and M1 Garand to look incorrect in the hands of soldiers.
- Fixed an error that sometimes caused soldiers’ cries during charge attacks to not play.
- Removed anglicisms from the speech of Japanese soldiers.
- Volume of aircraft engines has been reduced.
- Volume of the Ford GPA engine has been increased.
- Fixed an error that caused elements of equipment to overlap after using the customization feature.
- Fixed an incorrect initial camera placement in the level editor for the Pacific War user missions.
- Fixed spawn points for aircraft in the level editor for the Pacific War user missions.
- Added squads of the Pacific War campaign to the mods editor.
The current provided changelog reflects the major changes within the game as part of this Update. Some updates, additions and fixes may not be listed in the provided notes. Enlisted is constantly improving and specific fixes may be implemented without the client being updated.
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