Making Enlisted a Better Place №25
Each update of "Making Enlisted a Better Place" focuses on a certain aspect of the game or a particular mechanic in which we’ve fixed bugs or have added interesting features.
The improvements are mostly or even completely based on the feedback you have left in the special topics and discussions on our forums and social media platforms.
Supplying your squads with weapons and equipment is really important. Grab a decent weapon, put a grenade on your belt and a medkit in your backpack. It’s an interesting, but lengthy process.

Hoorah, for now you can purchase your equipment wholesale in Logistics! When buying weapons and other items, you can specify how many you want to purchase at once — and see the total price of the items.
The same applies to reinforcing your army. Do you need eight Riflemen III for your new squad? Now you can recruit them easier and faster.
Better Uniforms
We’re not only creating new content, but also working on improving the already existing models of soldiers, their weapons and equipment. This time we have good news for Axis players: your uniforms have been improved.

They’ve become more detailed, and better represent their historical look and meet the rising quality requirements of models in Enlisted. Rest assured — we will keep working on all aspects of our game.
Other changes
- Results of the battles that took place in the “Even Fight” event before it was relaunched due to technical issues have been added to the overall statistics and are now considered when counting the players’ score. Only battles where the player left prematurely are not counted.
- Fixed incorrectly displayed battle areas and markers of allied AI soldiers after spawning as an infantry squad.
- Fixed an error that prevented players without full access to the “Battle for Stalingrad” campaign from hiring the Riflemen III class.
We appreciate your feedback!
Lots of exciting game mechanics have been realized or improved thanks to your ideas. We are watching our communities, other Enlisted sites and regularly check the forum for your feedback and reports.
So share, suggest, and report!