D-Day Sale
A sale dedicated to the anniversary of the Allied landing in Normandy has begun in Enlisted. We’ve picked two bundles that are just perfect for this occasion and discounted them 50%. You can also expect a new event to start in Enlisted on D-Day. Fill up your ranks and keep an eye out for the news.
50% sale is active through June 7th 13:00 GMT.

"Invasion of Normandy": Vanguard Bundle -50%
This bundle includes two premium vehicle squads — one for each side in the campaign:
- "Invasion of Normandy" — Sherman IC "Firefly" Squad
- "Invasion of Normandy" — Pz.IV J Squad

Moscow/Normandy Starter Pack -50%
This pack includes units that will ease your entry into the Moscow and Normandy campaigns, as well as Premium account and in-game currency.
- USSR "Assaulter" class soldier for "Battle of Moscow" campaign + PPD 34/38 (box)
- German "Assaulter" class soldier for "Battle of Moscow" campaign + MP 28
- US "Assaulter" class soldier for "Invasion of Normandy" campaign + M3 Submachine Gun
- German "Assaulter" class soldier for "Invasion of Normandy" campaign + MP 34(o)
- 300 Gold
- 3 days of Premium-account
The offer is valid for PC users only.
In-game Sale
50% off all premium squads in the "Invasion of Normandy" campaign for Gold on PC and consoles.
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