Making Enlisted a Better Place №15
Each update of "Making Enlisted a Better Place" focuses on a certain aspect of the game or a particular mechanic in which we’ve fixed bugs or have added interesting features.
The improvements are mostly or even completely based on the feedback you have left in the special topics and discussions on our forums and social media platforms.

Improvements to Markers
We’re not gonna keep going on about it, but we would like to remind you just how useful it is to mark enemy positions and vehicles for your allies. Those who do it are being invaluable to their team. Those who yet don’t — make it a rule to use markers!
So - let's go into detail on some improvements we’ve made.
Aerial Reconnaissance is Now Easier
Now marking an enemy tank from the cockpit of a plane won’t require perfect precision: the mark will still be set accurately even if the area you designate isn’t precisely on the target.
We’ve also improved the placement mechanism, so the mark won’t stick to the cockpit’s interior.
Improving Markers on Vehicles
One of the most useful marks will become even easier to use: now when you place the mark on an enemy tank for the second time it will prolong the duration of the mark instead of removing it.
Removing Obsolete Markers
Who needs a mark on a destroyed tank? No one! That’s why, when your team destroys an enemy vehicle or building, any active marker attached to it will now be automatically removed.
More Powerful Bayonets

There are lots of rifles with bayonets in Enlisted, but until now their melee damage could vary significantly. Some bayonets would merely wound an enemy, while others were sure to kill them.
Now, bayonets mean death. The damage of all bayonets in the game is now equal — and high enough to kill any enemy soldier.
Full List of Changes
- Marking an enemy tank from a plane now requires less precision.
- Placing a second marker on an enemy tank doesn’t remove the previous one, but instead prolongs its duration.
- Marks instantly disappear from destroyed enemy vehicles and engineer buildings.
- Damage of all bayonets is set at a fixed value of 25 points. Full list:
- Carcano Mod.38 Bayonet — 15 > 25;
- Carcano M1891 Bayonet — 15 > 25;
- M1907/13 SMLE Bayonet — 15 > 25;
- AVS-36 Bayonet — 21 > 25;
- Lebel Bayonet — 21 > 25;
- No.4 Mk.2 Bayonet — 21 > 25;
- SG 84/98 III Bayonet — 15 > 25;
- SVT-40 Bayonet — 21 > 25;
- Type 30 Bayonet — 21 > 25.
- Fixed an error that caused the P-38G-1 to be considered as an Attacker. Now it uses fighter spawn points.
- Corrected spawn points for tanks in the Omer mission (Invasion and Destruction), where vehicles could spawn inside buildings.
- Fixed an error that caused soldiers to appear on vehicles’ spawn points in Quarry North (Invasion).
We appreciate your feedback!
Our team regularly checks the most important forum topic for your feedback and reports back to the dev team when we notice issues with gameplay mechanics and ideas for improving the game. We watch our communities and other Enlisted sites so that one day you'll see your idea in the update notes or in this weekly series.
So share, suggest, and report!