Testing the new Enlisted!

Friends, we invite you to take part in the testing of the updated Enlisted.
Merging campaigns by country, research trees instead of a single branch and many other major changes to the game will be available to you for the first time on the test server.
Together, we will complete the remaining steps in finalizing all mechanics, trying to find leftover bugs in them and make the game better before the official release.
From October 20th (12:00 UTC) to October 24th (12:00 UTC) test the updated Enlisted on a special test server.
- If you already have the test client installed — just start its Launcher on the test day and it will update the game.
- Your game account is copied to the test server. Any actions on the test server, including purchases for Gold and earned progress, will not be transferred to the main game server.
Briefly about the updated Enlisted
This is a major rework of our game's fundamentals that will improve the gameplay experience for every commander.
- Progression will not be presented within campaigns, but within countries in a research tree format with branches for vehicles and weapon classes, and a separate branch for soldiers.
- Although campaigns will be merged, countries will still be bound to their historical battlefields.
- Battles will be selected based on the rating of the players' weaponry. (This feature won’t be available on the test server.)
- There will be a new single currency, silver, which will replace bronze and silver orders.
In this test
By opening the test server, we first of all want to check if the profile conversion works correctly in the new progression system. So when you start the test server client, check if your profile matches what is described in this announcement.
Please note: on the test server you’ll find the preliminary version of the update, so you may encounter bugs that we expect to find and fix with your help before the final version of the update hits the main game client.
The test server will feature the new currency, research trees, and even some new weapons and vehicles. The updated matchmaking is disabled in this test - it will be released with the update.
About your profile conversion
Your armies and progress
All your soldiers, their weapons and equipment, squad and individual soldier upgrades, vehicles and stored weapons will be preserved. In the updated Enlisted you will find them in their respective countries.
Your progress will also be transferred and unlocked content from different campaigns in the same country will be combined. Even incomplete progress will be transferred to the new tree-like progression system, so if you are at 45% of unlocking a new machine gun, you will continue from the same 45%. Already unlocked weapons and vehicles will remain unlocked in the updated Enlisted as well. If you have the same vehicles unlocked in several campaigns, these squads with vehicles will be preserved and can be used simultaneously.
Only the camouflages bought for Gold will not carry over. We will refund the spent Gold on them after the update is released and you can purchase them again or something new.
Slots and presets
We will fully refund your Enlisted Gold spent on purchasing squad slots. Previously, we planned to convert them with partial compensation, but abandoned it due to excessive complexity. Please note: squad slots will be compensated in Gold after the update is released on the main server of the game.
This also applies to Stalingrad Full Access pack owners: the cost of slots will be compensated in Gold, just like the slots in other campaigns.
There is a limit of 6 presets per country without a premium account and 10 presets per country with an active premium account. The transfer will happen automatically on the main server when the update is released. All presets will be transferred, even if this exceeds this limit. Presets above the limit cannot be changed until you “clean up” the list.
Currency and orders
In a recent blog we explained the conversion of orders in more detail, but we'll summarize it briefly: bronze and silver orders will be replaced by a single, simple currency, silver. Gold orders, along with other types of orders, such as weapon upgrades, will remain unchanged and will work as before.
Army appearance
Campaigns are merged into countries, and their soldiers will find themselves in a wide variety of battles. For example, a player using the German army can end up both among the hot sands of Tunisia and in the frozen trenches of Stalingrad.
Of course, this does not mean that your soldiers will run around in shorts and shirts in the cold winter! Customization of the soldiers will remain in Enlisted, but now it will be represented by an elaborate system of presets, each of which is tied to a specific environment and will be customizable to your taste within reasonable limits. All customization items purchased and received from events will remain on your soldiers, if they are wearing them in the correct preset, or in your storage
Thank you!
Each test participant will be rewarded with a unique portrait.

The portrait will be issued on the main game server to all players who have completed at least 3 battles on the test server about a week after the end of testing.
We will diligently collect your ideas and comments in this thread! Remember that the changes are not final and your feedback is always welcome!
If you find a bug, please report it on the dedicated portal. We would appreciate it.