Enlisted Holiday Sale!

Let's create the festive mood ourselves! Enjoy nice gifts with a 50% off discount in-game and in the premium store.
Discounts are available from December 20th to December 27th (13:00 UTC).
In-game discounts
- 50% off Premium Account for 90 and 365 days.
- 50% off Premium Squads for Gold.
- 50% off weapons, soldiers and vehicles from previous seasons of Battle Pass for Gold.
Gaijin.Net store discounts
- 50% Premium Squads in the Gaijin.Net store.
In-game and store discounts do not apply to new squads released with the progression update, to the premium APC squads and to the squads that have recently had their price reduced.
On sale for a limited time!
Some rare squads are back in the store for Gold until December 27th. Check them out in the "Shop" tab of their respective countries - don't miss your chance to get them!
- (USSR) PPD-40 DSZ Squad
- (USSR) Chauchat Squad
- (USA) Browning M1918 Squad
- (USA) WD Big 4 Squad
- (Germany) MP 40/1 Squad
- (Germany) Browning wz. 1928 Squad
- (Germany) KS 750 Squad
- (Germany) MG 30 Squad
Playstation® discounts!
Hurry up to get 50% off in the Playstation® Store!
- (Germany) Krieghoff FG Squad
- (Germany) STG 45(M) Squad
- (Germany) MG 42 early Squad
- (Germany) 15 cm Pz.W.42 Squad
- (Germany) Pz.Kpfw. II (F) Squad
- (USSR) AS-44 Squad
- (USSR) Fedorov MG Squad
- (USSR) HT-130 Squad
- (USA) Sherman IC "Firefly" Squad
- (USA) Calliope Squad
- (USA) LVT(A)(1) Squad
- (USA) M1928A1 Thompson Squad
- (USA) M8 Greyhound Squad
- (Japan) Type 97 Chi-Ha Squad
- (Japan) Ka-Chi Squad
- (Japan) Type 1 SMG Squad