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Screenshot contest: War photographer

In every battle there are moments that not only delight you because they increase your kill count, but also because they provide aesthetic pleasure. An enemy tank destroyed by a clever ambush, an entire squad engulfed in flames from a flamethrower, or just a stray ray of sunlight cast on the ground that made you stop for a second to admire the view instead of fighting.

Let's share such moments with each other. In a screenshot contest!

From May 22nd to June 2nd (13:00 UTC) take screenshots and win prizes!


Submit your entries to the Screenshot channel of our Discord server in the following format: in-game username, platform, category (in which you want to submit your screenshot). For example: “SuperPro, PS4, Battle”.

Take a look

Read more about the rules of the contest in the “How to take screenshots” and “Terms” sections.


Портрет «Военный фотограф»
“War photographer” portrait
  • All finalists, as well as those selected by the jury.
500 Золота Enlisted
500 Gold
  • Three prizes in each category.



Show an amazing battle in the screenshot.

For example, a large-scale offensive, an air raid, or a massive firefight.

  • Three prizes.
Специалист за работой

The protagonist of your screenshot is a soldier of one of the game’s classes, performing a specialized task specific to his class.

For example, a sniper lying in ambush, an engineer fortifying a position, or tankers in their vehicle.

  • Three prizes.

In these screenshots, the viewer will not see massive battles (maybe just a little bit), but instead will be able to admire the beauty of Enlisted’s locations.

For example, a train at the station in the sunset, lightning over the ruins of Stalingrad, or Moscow in the quiet of the winter.

  • Three prizes.

How to take screenshots

Only screenshots without GUI can participate in the contest. You can hide the interface directly in battle with the Ctrl+Shift+G button combination or you can use the dedicated key to take a screenshot without the interface: Controls → Interface → Screenshot (No GUI).

For the best results, use the replay system (“Replays” tab on the site) with high graphics settings. :)

The created screenshots are saved to the Screenshots folder of the game.


  • Only screenshots created specifically for this contest will be accepted!
  • There is no limit to the number of submissions per participant.
  • When submitting a screenshot, please indicate in which category you want to participate. Only screenshots without GUI are accepted.
  • Minor color correction of the screenshots is allowed. Collages are NOT allowed.

Good luck, war photographers!

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