Changes suggested after testing the update

Greetings, Commanders! First of all, we want to thank you for your active participation in the testing and for your feedback! We have collected thousands of messages from the forum and other sites, passed them to the developers and now we are ready to share with you the first planned changes in the economy and game mechanics.
In addition, we would like to thank you separately for your bug reports! You've helped us find quite a few issues with profile conversion, and we're working hard to fix them.
Based on your feedback, we have made a number of changes to the silver prices and are ready to show you the new numbers.
The price of resetting a soldier’s perks has been decreased to about a quarter of itself: from 400 silver for resetting one perk to 90 silver. We have put all other prices in a compact table for you:

So, when you sell a soldier, we will return up to 95% of the purchase price!
Removing the “squad carousel”
A very important change, also made based on your feedback. With the merging of squads from different campaigns into a single country, there will be situations where some players could use a lot of squads of the same class simultaneously (f.e. five Flametrooper squads in the US). You pointed this out as a significant problem, as Enlisted newcomers will no longer have this option.
We agree with the idea of allowing only two squads of the same specialization. This limitation will apply to all upgradeable and event squads, the only exception will be premium squads.
Therefore, in the new Enlisted, you will be able to take no more than two Assaulter squads, two Flametrooper squads and so on into battle.
Enlisted will be fair to new players, while in battles thanks to this system you will see a greater variety of squad types.
Adding filters for squads
On the test server, some of you had hundreds of squads for some countries, which made it difficult to navigate through the list. We paid attention to your requests to add the ability to sort squads by class, so that it would be easier to find the right ones.

By using the filter available in both the squad selection menu and the upgrades menu, you will be able to filter out only the squads you need at the moment. Thanks for the suggestion!
Engineers from Stalingrad
Earlier we announced that engineers transferred from the "Battle of Stalingrad" campaign will retain their ability to use automatic weapons.
But as testing has shown, these engineers significantly hurt the balance. You have noticed it too.
We have decided to remove this privilege, which not only harms the balance between experienced players and newcomers, but is also difficult to explain within the game to those players who will meet an engineer with such a weapon in battle.
We keep working
All of the above decisions are not final. We will be reading your feedback here under this post - and thanks again to all who took part in the testing. The reward portrait will be credited to you soon.