Enlisted Victory Day Weekend Contest
Compete with other creators on the Battle of Berlin campaign for the chance to win cash prizes!
How can I participate?
Every active content creator (with at least 10 average viewers) who streams their Battle of Berlin matches on Twitch over the competition period is eligible to participate.
- Sign up via the form below for the time zone you want to participate in
- Play the game on both days in the specified time slot
- Score kills (Via Firearms, Melee, Throwables) on the Berlin Campaign
- Rank among the Top 5 positions over the weekend to win one of the main prizes
- Achieve the most kills by specific means on each day to win extra prizes!
What are the time zones I can participate in?
The competition is split between EU and NA time zones with individual prizes, and takes place over 4 hour time slots over two days. Participants must select one timezone to take part in.
Saturday, May 8th
18:00 CEST until 22:00 CEST
Sunday, May 9th
18:00 CEST until 22:00 CEST
Saturday, May 8th
18:00 EDT until 22:00 EDT
Sunday, May 9th
18:00 EDT until 22:00 EDT
How can I win?
Prizes will be awarded to participants in each time zone who achieve the most kills in several categories, for each day and in total.
Main prizes
Score the most kills with Firearms, Melee attacks and throwables in total (cumulative over both days) in your selected time zone.
Daily prizes
Score the most kills in each of the following categories each day for your selected time zone. Participants can win multiple daily prizes.
- -Most kills with Bolt-Action rifles
- -Most Melee kills
- -Most Headshots
Please note
Only kills scored on the Berlin campaign count towards your total. Kills must be made with firearms (SMGs, Rifles, Pistols etc), melee attacks, or throwables.
Kills achieved by the following means will NOT be counted towards your total.
- Kills with Tanks and Aircraft
- Kills with Artillery
- Kills with Mortars
What can I win?
Over the weekend, two sets of Main prizes will be awarded to the top 5 NA and EU players!
1st Place - $3.000
2nd Place - $1.500
3rd Place - $1.000
4th Place - $750
5th Place - $500
Each day in both time slots, participants will be able to win daily prizes for achieving the most kills in the following categories!
- Most Bolt-Action kills $500
- Most Headshot kills $500
- Most Melee kills $500
You can only reach one main prize in your selected time zone, but can win multiple daily prizes in your time zone.
How to Sign up?
Simply verify your identity with your Twitch account below and follow the additional instructions.