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Improved Adaptation and Tone mapping after first open test

One of the feedback points we have received after the first open playtest of Enlisted was “too much light when looking from inside the building outside, it blinds you”, or “reflections from the ground can blind you”. We have tried to improve this situation. So let us discuss the core of the problem and ways to solve it.

The new battlefield: Berlin

In the days surrounding the Victory Day celebration we are ready to show you another important location which is currently under development. You will experience the final days of WWII.

Results of the first open pre-alpha test of Enlisted

On April 1st, the first open playtest of Enlisted was conducted. This was the beginning of each soldier’s history in our game.

The first pre-alpha open playtest of Enlisted is over

The first pre-alpha open playtest of Enlisted is over. We are grateful for your active participation!

Launch of North America server cluster for Enlisted pre-alpha test

First open pre-alpha test of Enlisted continues and we have opened special North America server cluster to improve comfort of players from that region.

First public playtest of Enlisted

Soldier! Today we start the first public play test in the history of Enlisted.

GDC talk: Scalable Real-Time Ray Traced Global Illumination for Large Scenes

One of the most important aspects of game development, besides introducing new content is innovating new features and ensuring they run fast and efficiently. Today, we would like to talk to you about Scalable, Real-Time, Global Illumination for Large Scenes, and how this affects the dynamic environments inside Enlisted.

The "Battle of Moscow" location in Development

Today, we would like to show several screenshots of the "Battle of Moscow" location currently in Development. Adding fortifications and digging trenches, we continue our work to improve the landscape and overall atmosphere of the battle.

Anton Yudintsev talks about Enlisted and Nvidia

Enlisted is a WWII-themed, MMO, squad-based FPS set to launch next year. Julian caught up with Anton Yudintsev of Gaijin Entertainment during Gamescom2018 to get the rundown on what makes Enlisted stand out from the rest of the pack.

Development news - "Roadmap" of the project

We would like to present to you an updated Roadmap, where we will tell you about the goals we reached from the first version of the Enlisted Roadmap (posted on 17 June 2017), as well as talk about our plans, in detail, for every section.

Campaign “Battle for Moscow”

On the 22nd of June at 01:00 GMT German troops and its allies attacked the USSR. Parts of the red army were attacked by German troops throughout the border..

[Cuisine Royale] New MMO shooter By The Developers of Enlisted — Cuisine Royale

Experience, cunning and a ladle - these are the tools you should use to gain victory in our new game Cuisine Royale! And you should be the first to test it! 

Enlisted: a new test!

We continue to develop Enlisted and we are ready to tell you about our progress and at the same time, would like to invite you to test them yourself.

Enlisted: a new battle!

We are happy to announce that current development stage of Enlisted allows us to run new playtests of the game. All the players who backed us at the crowdfunding stage will receive their access as well as some players who applied for the access on our website.

Weather conditions and Time of day diversity

A variety of weather conditions and times of day will add more diversity to the battles in Enlisted.