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Removed extra speed bonus for sprint-jumps and increased stamina depletion whilst jumping. Corrected camera shake when being hit. Mobile respawn point tuning.


16 new challenges added. Battle Tasks are now split in two groups: main and secondary. Added option to prolong an active premium account. Spare parts for vehicles are now available after reaching Campaign level 3.


Fixed a bug in Pokrovskoye City, where destroyed objects could sometimes spawn duplicates.  Fixed invisible orders at the first level of the campaign. Fixed a bug where players did not get their soldiers or gold back in the Academy when cancelling training.  Fixed a bug where Backpacks appeared in the ‘secret obtaining method’ section.  You can now use enemy AA-gun mounts or Anti-Tank guns after killing the owner. 


Control tips will now automatically be shown only in the tutorial. Soldier movement controls when slightly pushing the gamepad stick have been improved. The switch from the running-to-walking state for soldiers has been improved when slightly pushing the gamepad stick. The Number of available battle tasks with an active Premium Account is now shown correctly. An issue where squadron points were unable to be purchased has been solved. An issue with the Soviet sniper hood, which covered part of the screen while reloading, has been solved. A client crash, which sometimes occurred during the loading screen, has been fixed. The switch from the running-to-walking state for soldiers has been improved when slightly pushing the gamepad stick. The Number of available battle tasks with an active Premium Account are now shown correctly. An issue where squadron points were unable to be purchased has been solved. An issue with the Soviet sniper hood, which covered part of the screen while reloading, has been solved. A client crash, which sometimes occurred during the loading screen, has been fixed.


Major update with long-awaited new features! Enlisted has received a Battle Pass, we have announced the expansion of the soldiers’s inventory, missions with dynamic weather and even the ability to remove all the soldier’s equipment in one click - just as you have asked.

Update - PS5)

PC, PS5: New music has been added to the game. Xbox: Graphical artifacts in the tank cockpit in high performance mode have been fixed.


Fixed captured point icon being displayed as neutral. Fixed loading process not being displayed whilst getting reinforcements or supplies in Logistics.

Update ( - PS5, - Xbox)

We continue to improve AI-soldier behavior, add authentic weapon models and polish the game mechanics.

Server update 17.03.2021

Cross-play between PC and consoles has been disabled by popular demand. Now PC players play amongst themselves and console players play only amongst themselves.


Added mark about new campaign availability. Added icon in Logistics menu when you receive new orders for supplies or reinforcements. Only a single explosive pack is required now instead of two to destroy worn-out parts of walls.


Improved the movement physics of soldiers. Added a button to switch campaigns in the main menu. Armament specs are now grouped together in vehicle descriptions.


A bug in the mission Ruins of Vaux (Conquest) where points captured by the teams were defined incorrectly has been fixed. A bug where orders received after a battle for troops did not show has been fixed. The issue occured with players whose progress was returned to the 18th level in the “Battle for Moscow” campaign. Currently, we are working on returning any missing orders to players.

Enlisted Major Update: PlayStation 5 and launch of the Normandy Campaign

Big Update

In this update, we are pleased to present a bunch of AI related improvements which include the ability to choose your squad formation, improvements to AI paths and covering abilities, and the introduction of the long anticipated system of advanced orders for AI!


AI-soldiers behavior improved when avoiding the player’s line of targeting. AI-soldiers act with better coordination, capturing strategic zones from different sides.