Important news about the upcoming update

Commanders, while preparing the next update, which will include, among other improvements, a new system that will allow seamless transitions between Battle Pass seasons, we encountered a serious bug that requires time to fix.
Because of this, we will have to extend the current season until March 3rd. Along with this, the closure of the Battle Pass shop will also be postponed until March 3rd (13:00 UTC).
We understand that many of you already completed the Battle Pass and were looking forward to the start of the new season. Please accept our apology along with our gifts: if you have completed all 30 levels of the current Battle Pass, you will receive one gold order for a weapon, even if you complete the Battle Pass during the season’s extension.
All players without exception will also get a 50% experience booster for 3 battles. It will be valid for 7 days.
Thank you for your understanding and for staying with us!