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Coming Soon: Economy Changes

Commanders, as promised, we are back with news on the upcoming economic changes. 

Significant reduction in research time and Silver prices!

Your feedback made us realize that we need improvements aimed at both preserving and increasing the amount of currency that can be accumulated by our experienced players, and at the same time ensuring comfortable progression for newcomers.

We are talking about accelerating progression by 1.5 - 2 times through significantly reducing the experience points needed for unlocking weapons and vehicles, as well as their purchase and upgrade prices. We will also be adjusting their prices based on Battle Rating, rather than the existing "star" system -  BR 3 weapons will become significantly cheaper relative to BR 4 weapons, to more accurately reflect their real value.

As you can see, in some cases the price will be reduced by up to 80%!

No forced conversion of Research points

We have abandoned the idea of introducing a limit on excess Research Points and any forced conversion of them into Silver. So the amount you've already accumulated will remain with you, and newly earned experience points will continue to increase it!

In the future, we will try to find more uses for Research points - for example, we'll create a mechanism that would allow you to voluntarily convert a portion of it to Silver, or provide the opportunity to buy "Veteran’s Box" for them at a more favorable price.

Bonus Silver for Battle Heroes

In light of the other improvements, we have decided not to change our previously proposed reward of 100 Silver for each valor badge earned, up to a maximum of 500. We believe this should be just a nice little bonus for the most active players, rather than one of the main sources of income from battles.

Dynamic bonus for "Join any team"

Many of you noted that the planned 20% boost to experience and Silver when opting to play with a random country is insufficient - primarily because it does not compensate for the potentially higher chance of defeat.

We have taken this into account, and now you will receive 20% bonus Silver and experience for winning (combined with the 50% for victory, so the reward multiplier will be calculated using this formula: 1.2 x 1.5 = 1.8), and 50% bonus for losing (reward multiplier: 1.5).

In the future, we may increase this bonus as a temporary event if the game needs more players on a random side.

Thank you for your feedback!

We are grateful to all players who participated in discussions about the economy and wrote ideas and suggestions for the developers! We plan to release the update with the abovementioned changes really soon! With your help and support, we are making Enlisted better!

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