Making Enlisted a Better Place №65: Getting ready for Steam!

Each issue of our series focuses on a certain aspect of the game or a particular mechanic, in which we correct smaller, but noticeable bugs and add new interesting features.
Commanders, Enlisted will soon be available on Steam completely free!
In this "Making Enlisted a Better Place" update, we've gathered numerous fixes for small and bigger issues that you frequently reported on the Community Bug Report portal. Thank you for helping us make Enlisted better!
Unstoppable HE shells
This important change will please players using vehicles - some wooden structures, such as buildings, fences and bridges, were considered so thin by the game that neither HE shells nor even sensitive aircraft rockets would detonate on them. Shells would simply pass through them and explode far from where they were intended. But we've taught them good manners!

Now rockets, bombs, and HE shells no longer pass through logs and planks, but explode exactly where they land.
Unification of ammo pouches
What's the difference between a German and an Italian ammo pouch? Just their appearance. In terms of game mechanics, they're the same - allowing you to take more ammunition into battle. Problems arise when you create equipment presets with them. For example, when you run out of German pouches, the game will offer to buy more, even though you still have a full stock of Italian ones.

To simplify your battle preparations, the preset system will now treat different nationality ammo pouches as one item. So if you run out of one type while applying presets, the game will automatically switch to the other.
This will also be implemented for all other equipment - medkits, toolkits, grenades, and melee weapons.
Other changes
- Soldiers now descend steep stairs and jump from heights up to a meter high more smoothly, losing control of their weapons less often.
- Increased the length of "Conquest" mode missions.
- Reduced the number of reinforcement points received for capturing a point in "Confrontation" mode.
- Players and AI soldiers can now use machine gun positions at the back of the LVT(A)(1) tank.
- Added unique icons for kills with melee weapons - shovel, saber, axe.
- Added Battle of the Bulge to the list of Possible maps.
- AI soldiers will no longer use grenade launchers (including RMN-50) while in APCs.
- Fixed a rare bug where the icon of an operational APC might not appear on the respawn screen or appear where there is actually no allied APC.
- Added an option to disable the minimal client notification to the settings.
- After placing a mine, the soldier now switches back to the weapon he had in hand before.
- Rockets from AT launchers now correctly pass through opened doors and windows .
- Fixed excessive armor penetration of the Soviet VPGS rifle grenade.
- Fixed a bug that made the projectiles fired from the Japanese Type 4 rocket launcher to look like the M1 Bazooka’s rockets.
- Fixed the sight’s misalignment of the Japanese Type 98 anti-aircraft gun.
- Adjusted the Luftfaust B rocket launcher’s damage against aircraft.
- Removed an incorrect parameter that led to increased spread of each subsequent shot from the MG 15.
- Added new tanks to the shooting range in practice mode.
- AI soldiers in the M8 Greyhound no longer shoot through the tank’s armor.
- Fixed the "+x% firing rate while using bolt action rifles" perk.
- Improved the placement of infantry spawn points in missions: "Birch Grove (Invasion)", "Birch Grove (Confrontation)", "The Reich Chancellery (Confrontation)", "Omer (Destruction)".
- Improved the placement of vehicle spawn points in missions: "Al Har (Destruction)" and "Gavutu (Destruction)".
- Fixed the collision of practice targets on Steam Deck™, which made it impossible to complete the tutorial.
- For modders: Zombie tanks will no longer leave their final destination point after reaching it.
Lots of exciting game mechanics have been realized or improved thanks to your ideas. We are watching our communities, other Enlisted sites and regularly check the forum for your feedback and reports.
So share, suggest, and report!