Making Enlisted a Better Place №62

Each issue of our series focuses on a certain aspect of the game or a particular mechanic, in which we correct smaller, but noticeable bugs and add new interesting features. We have implemented these improvements based on your comments and suggestions.
Adjusting Battle Ratings

We’ve collected enough statistics to evaluate the effectiveness of some of the weapons and tanks. Did we miss something? Please write it in the comments and the reason why you think so.
- DPM moved from BR 4 to BR 3.
- PPD 1944 (Premium) moved from BR 4 to BR 3.
- SU-76M (Premium) moved from BR 3 to BR 2.
- SMLE Mk III moved from BR 3 to BR 2.
- Lee-Enfield No.4 Mk I moved from BR 3 to BR 2.
- Winchester G30M (Premium) moved from BR 3 to BR 2.
- UD M42 (Premium) moved from BR 3 to BR 2.
- M18 GMC moved from BR 5 to BR 4.
- M24 (Premium) moved from BR 3 to BR 2.
- ZB-26 moved from BR 3 to BR 2.
- VG.2 moved from BR 3 to BR 2.
- Carcano M91 with scope mount moved from BR 3 to BR 2.
- Gewehr 98 with scope mount moved from BR 3 to BR 2.
- Beretta M1 moved from BR 3 to BR 2.
- Erma EMP 36 (Premium) moved from BR 3 to BR 2.
- OG-43 (Event) moved from BR 4 to BR 2.
- Pavesi M42 (BP) moved from BR 3 to BR 2.
- MP-40 silenced (Event) moved from BR 3 to BR 2.
- Dicker Max (Premium) moved from BR 4 to BR 3.
- Type Hei rifle 10 (BP) moved from BR 4 to BR 3.
- Na-To moved from BR 4 to BR 3.
Have you ever wanted to use one of these but decided against it because of their battle rating? Well, now’s your chance!
"Get All" for BP rewards
The world's best button has also been added for BP rewards. There’s not much more to say - better to just go and click on it.

Tweaking the paratroopers’ supply crate
We want to ensure that your paratroopers' weapons are useful and varied, and the squads themselves can perform well at any Battle Rating available for them. These changes affect the squads with the M1928A1 Thompson 100 (USA), Krieghoff FG (Germany) and OG-43 (Germany).

Of course, the biggest change is for the squad with the OG-43: it was moved to BR 2.
But note that in BR 1-3 battles only two of your soldiers will get flamethrowers. In BR 4-5 battles you’ll still get six flamethrowers, plus in other sets the weapons will be better suited to high BR battles.
Other changes
- Fixed an issue where the game became too dark after a graphics driver reset.
- Fixed a matchmaking issue that allowed you to get into BR 1-3 battles with higher BR weapons.
- Improved the characteristics of the following weapons: M1C Garand (USA) - increased accuracy and damage; ZK-383 (Germany) - increased rate of fire from 660 to 700 rounds per minute, reduced recoil by 25%; Carcano M91 with scope mount (Germany) - increased rate of fire from 33 to 40 rounds per minute; Type 4 Rifle (Japan) - reduced reload time from 5.2 to 4 seconds.
- Fixed the visual artifacts that appear around the ghillie suit of the AT-44 (USSR) squad on Playstation® 4.
- Fixed the position of the pilot's head in the Ki-61-II Otsu Kai (Japan) aircraft during maneuvering.
- Improved the positioning of the pilot’s hand on the throttle in the Mosquito FB.Mk.VI (USA).
Lots of exciting game mechanics have been realized or improved thanks to your ideas. We are watching our communities, other Enlisted sites and regularly check the forum for your feedback and reports.
So share, suggest, and report!