Making Enlisted a Better Place №58

Each issue of our weekly series focuses on a certain aspect of the game or a particular mechanic, in which we correct smaller, but noticeable bugs and add new interesting features.
Stretched soldiers and visual artifacts
Much of our upcoming patches and improvements will be centered around the feedback we've received since the game's release announcement on Steam. We hope you will appreciate this approach going forward, and we will continue to listen to your feedback and suggestions.

One of these fixes refers to visual artifacts that could occur on some versions of graphics cards. The problem has been localized and fixed.
Meanwhile, the second fix is related to soldiers whose hands could stick to ladders. This was the cause of the stretched models. We also identified this problem thanks to your bug reports and it should not happen again.
Impact grenades and their radius

Impact grenades have also become one of the frequent topics of discussion. In this update, we've reworked how they work, tweaked their damage and characteristics. Overall, the guaranteed death zone of impact grenades has been significantly reduced. Thank you for your reports and participation in the discussions!
- Fixed a bug with the AT-44 event squad’s camouflage that caused it to not appear correctly from afar.
- The tooltip with the buttons in the pie-menu has been moved to the center of the screen.
- The squad tied to the gold order Chi-Nu tank has been changed: it can now be used by the Tanker III squad.
- Fixed a bug that made it impossible to go into battle with the USSR Breda Mod.30 and Thompson M21/28 (box magazine).
- Added notification when using the minimal client.
- Adjusted the spawn points in Normandy on the "Airfield" and "Ruins of Vaux" maps.
- Adjusted the spawn points in the Pacific on the “Guadalcanal” map.
- Fixed a bug that caused the ringing sound to remain audible when switching between soldiers in a squad.
- Fixed a bug in the bullet parameters of the Type 99 sniper rifle - the damage reduction over distance of this sniper rifle was more noticeable than its counterparts.
- Removed the green notification dots from locked soldiers in the Enlist Soldiers menu.
- Removed the green notification dots from the Perks button if there are not enough points to upgrade anything.
- Fixed the color of several German camouflage uniforms.
- Fixed the model of the Italian large grenade pouch.
- Added missing customization for German and Italian paratroopers.
- Fixed glove models of British tankers on the Ardennes maps.
Lots of exciting game mechanics have been realized or improved thanks to your ideas. We are watching our communities, other Enlisted sites and regularly check the forum for your feedback and reports.
So share, suggest, and report!