New Battle Pass: First Season of 2024

Commanders! Enlisted’s Battle Pass hasn't changed much over the seasons, but with the major update to our game, it's time for it to change too!
Each season of Battle Pass will now have a theme, from customization items to weapons and soldiers. We'll also put even more focus on the items you need most in the rewards, like Appearance change orders.
On January 31st, the new Battle Pass season will begin and here are the rewards you can expect!
Main rewards of the season
This season, we will impress you with submachine guns from different countries and with thematic customization items.

This is an experimental version of the Australian Owen submachine gun with .45 caliber rounds. Only 15 powerful bullets are available in the magazine, but each hit with them hurts! Nevertheless, all the advantages of the Australian submachine gun are retained - high rate of fire and low recoil.

Experimental submachine gun, direct competitor to the PPS in the 1942 trials. Compared with Sudayev’s design, the PPBV was distinguished by its higher rate of fire, more comfortable sights and, frankly speaking, its much more unusual appearance.

An improved version of the well-known Swiss SIG 1920 submachine gun. Without losing its obvious advantages, such as low recoil and comfortable sights, it received one non-obvious one: the magazine is now located on the right side of the gun, and the large 50-round magazine does not interfere with the aiming.

An original Polish submachine gun, of which only a small number were produced, designed to be the perfect solution for arming tank crews. It has good sights, good rate of fire and reloads quickly. Your tankers will certainly be happy with the upgrade!
For armored and aircraft fans, we have four vehicles in cool camouflages!

With the new Battle Pass, we're changing our approach to items like posters. They will now follow the theme of the season’s weapons and will be stylized to look like real propaganda posters.

And the unique "Japanese assaulter" portrait will remind you of the new Battle Pass season!

Cleaning up the BP store
With the start of the new season, some rewards from previous seasons will have a timer, after which they will no longer be available for purchase.
These will soon leave the store:
- Unique soldiers of USSR, USA and Germany: Sergey Zimin (MG Gunner II), Mikhail Diasamidze (Radioman I), Darrell Lindsey (Attacker Pilot II), Audie Murphy (Assaulter III), Eric Anderson (Engineer II), Philip Gardner (Tanker II), Gerhard Peter (Tanker II), Karl Arndt (Engineer II), Georg Pothig (Attacker Pilot II), Wolf Andreae (MG Gunner II), Theodor Beckmann (Fighter Pilot II), Karl Torley (Radioman I).
- Unique weapons: KB-P-135 (USSR), De Lisle Commando carbine & Welrod mk.2 set (USA), ERMA EMP with suppressor & ČZ vz. 27 set (Germany), Pavesi M42 (Germany), VMP 1926 (Germany).
- Unique vehicles of USSR, USA and Germany: Yak-1 (The camouflage is based on the painting scheme of Mikhail Baranov’s fighter), La-5FN White 07, BT-7 №13, SU-85M “20 years of Soviet Uzbekistan”, FP-3 VF-41, M13 MGMC 4th Armored Division, M10 GMC “EPERVIER”, Pz.III J “122”, HS-123A-1 Black 52, C. 202EC “Black cat”, Panther A “R05”.
If you’re considering getting one of the rewards that are leaving the store, be sure to make your decision before February 13th.