Operation “Winter Fantasy”

Happy Holidays, Commanders!
Winter holidays are a time of presents, surprises and good spirits. It is much more pleasant to celebrate it in the circle of friends, loving family or comrades-in-arms.
Let's make it so! Staying true to tradition, this holiday season will be full of promotions, entertaining events and, of course, gifts!
From December 20th, 2023 (13:00 UTC) to January 19th, 2024 (13:00 UTC) we invite you to celebrate together!
Holiday Event
Complete tasks and move up the rewards ladder. For every point you get a smaller reward, while for every 5 points there is a bigger one.
- Kill 150 enemies.
- Destroy 10 vehicles.
- Your rally points were used 50 times.
- Complete 10 battles.
- Earn a total of 20,000 battle score.

You can easily skip a few tasks and still get the main rewards of this Holiday event! Tasks can be completed simultaneously. Tasks are updated every 2 days.
Main Rewards
We have prepared memorable gifts for your vehicles and profile, unique squads with powerful and rare weapons and a whole holiday sleigh packed with other prizes.
You can never have too many Assaulters! Two squads with their countries' iconic weapons and an engineer in the squad.

German Assaulters with Horn Sturmgewehr
Panzer Brigade 150
600th Parachute Battalion
A squad of 5 soldiers armed with Horn Sturmgewehrs, an original small-batch "last minute" weapon. It was assembled almost entirely from stamped metal and spare parts from other German weapons.
The designer of this weapon was Kurt Horn, one of the creators of the legendary MG-42 machine gun! His assault rifle showed very good accuracy and reliability, on par with the mass-produced German assault rifles.
Do not underestimate this weapon! The damage is not less than that of its competitors, it has a 30-round magazine and a very manageable recoil.

USSR Assaulters with AT-44
350th Infantry Division
1180th Infantry Regiment
Squad of 5 soldiers with AT-44 automatic rifles designed by F. Tokarev.
The designer used his own SVT-40 semi-automatic rifle as a basis. The basic parts were almost unchanged, but were simply made on a smaller scale. This approach allowed the designer to significantly reduce the time of work on the model, simplify its production and try a lot of original solutions.
Good iron sights, and the powerful recoil can be easily controlled due to its 550 rounds per minute rate of fire.
Vehicle decal "Holiday Reindeer"
A talented tanker accidentally met this little guy in the middle of the forest, and after the encounter, painted him on his Sherman. We appreciated such an original decal and want to share it with all active participants of this Holiday event.

Vehicle decorators “Snowshoe” and “Ski”
3D decorators for your ground vehicles. Distinguish your vehicle among thousands of similar ones.

Nickname decorator "Christmas Tree"
The symbol of the New Year and Christmas right next to your nickname in the scoreboard and kill-log - the brightest thing that can make you stand out in the upcoming battles.

- You get 1 point for each completed task.
- To unlock a stage with a big reward you need 5 points.
- The list of tasks are updated every two days at 13:00 UTC, and the progress on them resets. Be sure to collect your reward before then.
- The tasks can be completed in the Squads mode.
- The tasks can be completed simultaneously.
- From 19th January to 21st January (13:00 UTC), after the end of the event, you will have the opportunity to purchase any missing rewards.