Happy Birthday, Enlisted!

Three years of battles! Impressive length of time, but far from the end, dear friends. All this time as a team we have been steadily moving forward - toward new accomplishments and a new Enlisted. We, the Darkflow team, would like to say thank you very much for your support and invite you to celebrate the birthday of Enlisted!
Yay, gifts!
From November 9th (13:00 UTC) to November 19th (13:00 UTC) participate in the celebrations and get cool rewards.

Unique weapon — M1911 Colt Swartz (Allies)
Available in the Invasion of Normandy, Battle of Tunisia and Pacific War campaigns.

Not quite a pistol anymore, but not yet a submachine gun - so, what is this!? Colt Swartz, it’s written there! :)
It is a modernized M1911 with a long single-column magazine with 18 rounds, and an incredible rate of fire in automatic mode. The Colt Swartz can be used by any soldier.
Unique weapon — Mauser C96 Mod. 712 (Axis)
Available in all campaigns except the Pacific War.

German designers had a different view on automatic pistols. The Mauser Mod. 712 Schnellfeuer looks much more familiar, but at the same time it is not inferior in firepower to the Colt — it can quickly empty the detachable 20-round magazine and can also unpleasantly surprise your opponent, who thinks that you have nothing left to fight back with.
Unique Gunner II — Pavel Likhanov (Allies, Moscow)

Whether you were looking for him or not, he has found you and is already asking to join your squad to take part in the battles under your command! Like all unique soldiers, his appearance is also unique and his characteristics are maximum for his class.
Unique nickname decorator — "Three Years"

Simple and tasteful. A special reward for the most active participants of the celebration - a nickname decorator, resembling the Roman numeral III - which will be available only in this event. Thank you for your support, wear it with pride!
- Tasks are updated every day at 13:00 UTC.
- One task can be completed per day.
- Battles fought in Squads mode count for the event progression.
- From November 19th (13:00 UTC) to November 20th (13:00 UTC), after the end of the event, you will have the opportunity to purchase any missing rewards for Gold.