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More screenshots for the screenshot contest!

Daily you show us the most amazing and epic screenshots from Enlisted. In every campaign you find the most photogenic locations, and when you run out of existing maps, you take inspiration from in-game mods.

We, in turn, never tire of rewarding the best in our official Discord every week.

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Appreciate the last contest winners' works, and maybe it will give you ideas for your own masterpiece! Each one can be downloaded in full-size.


Let's participate

Screenshots are accepted in a special channel for your creative work. The next competition has already started, so get a move on.

Entries will be accepted until July 31st. By the same day we will sum up the results of the contest and award each of the TOP-10 authors with 150 Gold each!

Creating screenshots

You can create a screenshot from a replay (in the replay tab on the website) or right in battle. Only screenshots without the interface (that you can turn off by pressing the CTRL+SHIFT+G key combination) will be accepted. The number of screenshots from a single participant is unlimited!

Screenshots are stored in the "Screenshots" folder in the game's directory.

Good luck, war photographers!

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