Reinforcements received: Victory day

On Victory Day you will meet a whole new force on the battlefields of Enlisted. Self-propelled anti-aircraft guns are going into battle! The rapid-fire guns will become a menace to both aviation and infantry in the Battle of Moscow campaign, and after the major Enlisted update, will remain with the owners in the USSR and German trees. Hunt down aircraft, easily change your position along with the moving front lines, or shoot at enemy infantry and lightly armored vehicles.
In the "Reinforcements received" events, you’ll upgrade your army with unique and well-armed squads, rare weapons, vehicles and always-useful items. Main rewards will help you unlock content that normally takes more time to reach in a regular lineup.
From 8th May (13:00 UTC) to 3rd June (13:00 UTC), get battle score in any campaign and move up the rewards ladder!
You'll get rewards during the whole event, and the further you progress through it, the more valuable they'll become. You can easily skip a few tasks and still get the main reward!

Main rewards
In May, you can get two exclusive squads with anti-aircraft guns! This vehicle is quite vulnerable to infantry weapons, but has a better rate of fire, also, these anti-aircraft guns are not limited in angles of elevation and have great potential in the hands of experienced commanders.
GAZ-MM (72-K) | Battle of Moscow (in the future — USSR)

A 25mm anti-aircraft gun (72-K) with a gun shield mounted on a GAZ-MM, the most common Soviet truck of that era. Fast, nimble and almost unprotected. Bad? Not at all. Many enemy shells won't even detonate after hitting the body of this vehicle, and you are protected from being knocked out by snipers because ... the number of your crew. Four soldiers - two in the cabin and two handling the gun, but even one "last hero" is enough to shoot.
Flakpanzer I | Battle of Moscow (in the future — Germany)

For those who prefer classic armor steel. It is built on the chassis of the Pz.I light tank and carries a rapid-firing 20mm Flak 38 cannon. The driver is well protected from three directions. The gunner is protected from frontal fire by a shield. Neither light machine guns nor infantry rifles are a threat to you. You can bravely roll out onto a hill and slaughter enemy infantry or effectively destroy enemy aviation (but we know who's going to be the priority target).
PPS-42 "Red" | Battle of Berlin or Battle of Stalingrad ( in the future — USSR)

One of the rarest! We bring back the legend of last year in a new event for Victory Day. In front of you is an oxidized PPS-42. Such an unusual tint was very rare, as it is a consequence of a departure from the rigid standards of oxidation of finished weapon components. The brown-red coating is as reliable as the usual black one, but definitely gives the weapon a very unusual appearance.
Available for the USSR Army in the Battle of Berlin or Battle for Stalingrad campaigns.
Can be exchanged in the Logistics window for one of the orders received from the event.
Collectible Edged Weapons | All campaigns and countries

Don't let the collector's value of these sabers and cavalry swords confuse you: they are sharp and capable of killing any enemy with the first swing! Choose in which campaign and for which army to be armed with these fearsome weapons.
They can be exchanged in the Logistics window for one of the orders received from the event.
- In this event, squads and unique weapons are available in specific campaigns, and you get weapons in the Logistics of one of these campaigns by exchanging them for special orders received from the event.
- Stages are updated every day at 13:00 UTC, and the scoring starts again. Collect your reward before then, if you have managed to accumulate the required number of battle points.
- Only one stage can be completed each day.
- The task can be completed in the Squads mode.
- From June 3rd to June 4th (13:00 UTC), after the end of the event, you will have the opportunity to purchase the missing stages.