Battle of Königsberg

On April 6th, 1945, the Red Army offensive against the German fortifications in the city and the fortress of Koenigsberg began.
Long before WWII the city and a large area around it had been turned into a huge fortification with several fortress circles - it was a strategically important defense node for the Germans on the Baltic Sea. The German High Command was preparing the city for a long resistance and gambled on it over a long time.
However, despite the huge concentration of German troops in the region and equipment of fighters with the latest technology, the Soviet troops were able to seize most of the city, which used to be impregnable, in just four days.
Facing the futility of further fighting, on April 9th the Königsberg commandant, General Otto Lasch, signed the Act of Surrender.
From April 6th (13:00 UTC) to April 9th (13:00 UTC), rewards await you in the Battle of Berlin campaign.

For 2 battles per day in the Battle of Berlin campaign.

For 2 wins on the Allied side in the Battle of Berlin campaign.

For 2 wins on the “Axis” side in the Battle of Berlin campaign.
Campaign rewards can be received every day. Reward tasks can be completed at the same time.