Making Enlisted a Better Place №33

Each update of "Making Enlisted a Better Place" focuses on a certain aspect of the game or a particular mechanic in which we’ve fixed bugs or have added interesting features.
The improvements are mostly or even completely based on the feedback that our players share in the discussion of this topic and on all of our other platforms.
Try it first before you purchase it
Previously, the game offered the purchase of customisation items right at the moment of its first placement on a vehicle, leaving you no opportunity to "try on" different sets of them and enjoy the future unique looks of your vehicles.

Well, we made the same mechanism available that works for soldiers — now you can place decals and decorations, experiment with the look and purchase desired items when exiting from the vehicle customization menu.
Also the updated mechanism allows you to purchase multiple items at once.
Perfect menu for obtaining equipment
In Enlisted you can both unlock a squad of tankers or pilots with new vehicles, and get a vehicle without a crew — in a campaign or in events. Previously, after the satisfying process of getting a vehicle, it was sent to the storage, and sometimes it took a long time to look for it there. Especially if the vehicle, for example, required a squad of Tankers II.

We have refined this point. Now if you get a vehicle without a crew, you will be able immediately to switch to the control of the proper squad for this vehicle.
Also we have added the information for all in-game vehicles showing which squads are more suitable for them.
New achievements
Seven new "real hero's acts" have been added to the list, they include:
- Using your rally points;
- Using your ammo boxes;
- Bomb kills;
- Missile kills;
- Killing crews with anti-tank mines (with vehicle destruction);
- First Blood Achievement (for the first kill in battle);
- Killing the vehicle commander (destroying the enemy in the commander's cupola).
These achievements do not affect the battle reward, but will allow you to check your performance and compete with your friends.
Other changes
- Fixed a bug that caused surrounding players to not hear the sound of the AVS-36 rifle firing in the automatic mode.
- Fixed a bug that caused soldiers and vehicles to not move in some replays.
- AI soldiers of the Assaulters class now change primary weapons for a pistol at close range, only if the primary weapons are out of ammo.
- Improved the collision model of the engineer's anti-tank guns.
- Fixed a bug that caused the headgear of soldiers with the RPzB 43 Ofenrohr grenade launcher to not visually change in the customization menu.
- Fixed a bug that could cause a soldier to lose control of a German stationary engineer machine gun while using it on different surfaces.
- Fixed a bug that caused decorators placed on some Japanese tanks to rotate with the turret.
- Corrected available poses of soldiers armed with a Besal LMG.
- Fixed empty bayonet knife slots for some weapons after transfers between campaigns.
We appreciate your feedback!
Lots of exciting game mechanics have been realized or improved thanks to your ideas. We are watching our communities, other Enlisted sites and regularly check the forum for your feedback and reports.
So share, suggest, and report!