Discounts for Japan's National Foundation Day

Japan is one of the oldest nations in the world: to this day the power of the imperial dynasty, that began in times beyond memory, continues. Based on a chronicle written back in 720, Japan was founded by Jimmu, a descendant of the gods in 660 B.C. and became its first Emperor. As a part of this story, which may be historical or legendary, the Country of the Rising Sun celebrates its foundation day on the 11th of February.
Congratulations to all of our players celebrating this patriotic holiday, and we would like to please fans of Japan in Enlisted with discounts on premium squads.
From the 10th to the 13th of February, we will offer a 30% discount on premium Japanese squads for Gold.

These include the Ki-61-I Hei, the only WWII Japanese fighter with a liquid-cooled engine, and the Type 100 SMG squad, which includes an engineer and four medics with perfect perks to support your team.