Update (Server update 14.10.2022 - Xbox, PlayStation®)

- The correct GrB-39 gunshot sound has been returned.
- Changed geometry and fixed battle zone errors in missions Gavutu North (Invasion), Gavutu South (Invasion), Gavutu (Confrontation), Gavutu (Destruction) in the Pacific war campaign.
- Fixed incorrect display of capture point border in Wilhelmstrasse (Conquest) mission in the Battle for Berlin campaign.
- Added a second group of attack team respawn points for the fourth sector in the Ruins of Vaux North (Invasion) mission in the Invasion of Normandy campaign.
- Fixed incorrect respawn point in the Quarry South (Invasion) mission in the Battle for Moscow campaign.
- Fixed a bug that could cause ammo for small weapons to run out incorrectly and exceed the set value.