Update (Server update 22.09.2022 - Xbox, PlayStation®)

Re-balanced reloading speed, heating up of the barrel, and overheated barrel replacement speed for machine guns and small-caliber cannons.
7-mm machine guns:
- Machine gun cool down without overheating ~7 sec;
- Machine gun barrel change after overheating ~12 sec;
- Overheating in ~7 sec of constant firing.
12-mm machine guns:
- Reloading ~12 sec;
- Machine gun cool down without overheating ~8 sec;
- Machine gun barrel change after overheating ~16 sec;
- Overheating in ~4 sec of constant firing.
20-mm Japanese cannons:
- Reloading ~8 sec;
- Cannon cool down without overheating ~8 sec;
- Cannon change after overheating ~12 sec;
- Overheating in ~9 sec of constant firing.
20-mm Soviet cannons (ex: T-60):
- Reloading ~10 sec;
- Cannon cool down without overheating ~7 sec;
- Cannon change after overheating ~12 sec;
- Overheating in ~3 sec of constant firing.
20-mm German cannons (ex: Pz. II C):
- Reloading ~8 sec;
- Cannon cool down without overheating ~6 sec;
- Cannon change after overheating ~11 sec;
- Overheating in ~3 sec of constant firing.
Characteristics may slightly vary depending on the specific model of machine gun or cannon.
Other changes:
- Fixed a bug that caused an endless period of waiting after a weapon change for a second melee charge until the weapon for which the melee charge was available was selected.
- The crew of the Ta-Se SPAAG now sits a bit lower in the turret.
- Weakened optics protection at the front of the M13 SPAAG shooter's face.
- Reduced armor-piercing effectiveness of 12.7 mm Browning ammunition belts.
- Adjusted magnification of Ta-Se and M13 SPAAG sights.
- Made general balance adjustments to Battle for the Pacific campaign missions.
- Battles for the Pacific campaign missions added to the custom matches.
- Fixed a bug that caused a soldier to get stuck when respawning in the ruins in the Alligator Creek (Invasion) mission;
- Fixed a bug that caused some points to not show combat zones in The Voskhod settlement West (Invasion) and Ruins of Vaux North (Invasion) missions.
- Increased the damage of the Ka-Chi HE projectile.
- Corrected the melee attack of the S1-100 submachine gun, now it hits correctly with the bayonet.
The current provided changelog reflects the major changes within the game as part of this Update. Some updates, additions and fixes may not be listed in the provided notes. Enlisted is constantly improving and specific fixes may be implemented without the client being updated.