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Fully armed event

Get almost every melee weapon Enlisted has and a team of trusted allies watching your back, endless respawns. The only goal is to get your enemies' lives first. Join one of the most dynamic team battles of all campaign arenas!

The event is available from the 14th of July (14:00 GMT) to the 19th of July (6:00 GMT). The battles will be available in 6-hour windows: 0:00 — 6:00 (GMT) and 14:00 — 20:00 (GMT).


Серебряные заявки на вооружение
Silver Orders for weaponry

Awarded 3 Orders for every 3 wins, once a day.

Заявки на улучшение оружия
Orders for weaponry upgrade

Awarded 5 Orders for 300 kills. The award may be awarded only once.

Бустер +100% на 3 боя
XP Booster +100% (for 3 battles)

Awarded for 1st place in the battle. The award may be awarded only once.

Plus a soldier Silver Order for your first battle in the event.

Terms of the event

The task is clear: destroy enemies in a wide variety of arenas in all campaigns and thereby move through the stages. In each subsequent stage, you will receive a new weapon, the skills required to master it will increase. The number of respawns is unlimited!

Your progress in the match is marked by a green icon. The progress of the most successful ally is marked by a blue icon, and the progress of the most powerful enemy is marked by a red icon. The team wins if one of its players completes all 20 stages first.

You have to show your expert skills with rifles, machine guns, flamethrowers, sabres and dozens of other weapons in each campaign in an endless battle, while the enemy is at your heels. Finally, the hero will finish the battle with a simple knife!

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