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Lunar New Year in Enlisted

Soldiers, today we celebrate the Chinese New Year, and we have prepared for you some great bonuses, memorable gifts and discounts in the Gaijin.Net store.

From the 31st of January at 13:00 GMT until the 4th of February at 13:00 GMT complete the battle tasks in any campaign and collect your rewards!

3 победы — китайский новогодний плакат
3 wins — Chinese New Year's poster
10 боёв — серебряная заявка на вооружение
10 battles — silver order for a weapon
100 убитых противников — серебряная заявка на солдата
100 enemies killed — silver order for a soldier

Complete tasks one after the other. Detailed terms and conditions of the event are available in the game.

Gaijin.Net discounts

From the 31st of January at 13:00 GMT until the 5th of February at 13:00 GMT — 50% off Starter packs in Enlisted!

Starter Pack -50%
Стартовый набор Москва/Нормандия -50%
This pack includes:
  • USSR "Assaulter" class soldier for "Battle of Moscow" campaign + PPD 34/38 (box)
  • German "Assaulter" class soldier for "Battle of Moscow" campaign + MP 28
  • US "Assaulter" class soldier for "Invasion of Normandy" campaign + M3 Submachine Gun
  • German "Assaulter" class soldier for "Invasion of Normandy" campaign + MP 34(o)
  • 300 Gold
  • 3 days of Premium-account
Starter Pack -50%
Стартовый набор Тунис/Берлин -50%
This pack includes:
  • USSR "Assaulter" class soldier for "Battle of Berlin" campaign + PPS-42;
  • German "Assaulter" class soldier for "Battle of Berlin" campaign + MP 3008;
  • British "Assaulter" class soldier for the "Battle of Tunisia" campaign + Sten Mk II;
  • German "Assaulter" class soldier for the "Battle of Tunisia" campaign + MP 28;
  • 300 Gold
  • 3 days of Premium-account

The discounted offers are only valid for PC users.

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