Vanguard Bundle: Normandy armour!

A tank in Enlisted can be both a powerful shield for your team and easy prey for the enemy, but it always remains a great way to score points. Premium squads in exclusive vehicles will help make this task even more effective.
Here's a new armoured set for the Invasion of Normandy campaign.
- "Invasion of Normandy": Sherman IC "Firefly" Squad
- "Invasion of Normandy": Pz.IV J Squad
- 800 Gold
Squad characteristics
- Improved tank gun aiming skills (gunner's skill).
- +30% speed of switching places in vehicles.
- +100% health regeneration outside of battle.
- Changing shell type without loss of reload progress (loader skill).
"Invasion of Normandy": Sherman IC "Firefly" Squad

- Sherman IC "Firefly tank;
- A premium squad of 4 tankers from the Guards Armoured Division of the 5th Guards Armoured Brigade for the British forces in the Normandy Campaign;
- 400 Gold.
Sherman IC "Firefly" — modification of the M4 Sherman with a powerful British Ordnance QF 17-pounder cannon. The new gun has enough power to fight the Norman Panthers and the latest modifications of the Pz.IV. We recommend hitting first, because the vehicle chassis is inherited from the M4, and it takes the hit not so well.
"Invasion of Normandy": Pz.IV J Squad

- Pz.IV J tank;
- A premium squad of 4 tankers from the 9th Panzer Division of the 9th Panzer Regiment for the wehrmacht forces in the Normandy Campaign;
- 400 Gold.
Pz.IV J — the latest modification of the most mass-produced German medium tank. Although the J version is rather a simplification of the tank, it is still based on the successful H version, which has noticeably improved armour, side and turret shields, and the extremely successful 75mm KwK40 L48 cannon. It's worth noting the somewhat slower turret rotation speed, but if you have an enemy in your sights, hit him for sure!
The premium vehicles have maximum level and soldiers are ranked 4 with all 4 perks unlocked and 5 bonus retraining points. Premium squads receive + 100% experience gain in battles for soldiers and campaign level. These bonuses are cumulative with a Premium Account.