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Enlisted will also be upgraded with PlayStation®5 Pro

Birthday discounts!


Fixed an issue in the "Earth Shield" missions where if a player clicked on a locked character on the spawn screen, the game would show that character to his teammates like he had selected it. Fixed the incorrect display of character portraits when loading into "Earth Shield" missions. Removed the active booster notification from the START button in the Operation "Earth Shield" event window. Added the upgrade for the Engineer in the Japanese event squad with Katsu Kato (1st Armor Suppression Regiment) to build an anti-tank gun.

The best Defenders!


Added the AT gun to the killer’s outline in the killcam. Fixed the color of the lights of the APCs. Added new evacuation points to the "Steel Mill (Operation Earth Shield)" mission. Added dynamic resolution scaling for PlayStation® 5, the resolution scales up to 4k with a 60/90 fps target in "High quality"/"High performance" mode. Fixed a bug where the "Oasis (Operation Earth Shield)" mission’s boss was from the Hard mode. Added 15 APCR shells for the M4A2 (76) W tanks. Fixed a bug where in some cases the sound indicating the completion of the radio transmission objective would play early.

Fall sale!

Operation "Earth Shield"

Improving the matchmaking for low Battle Rating

Results of the Screenshots contest: Fall sunset

The Pz.IV J "Battle Scars" is leaving the Shop!


Added additional APCR shells for the 75 mm Pak 40 AT cannon (Germany, Japan) and APDS shells for the 76 mm Ordnance QF 17-pdr AT cannon (USSR, USA). Replaced the AP shells with APCBC in Sherman tanks with the 75 mm M3 cannon. Fixed a bug where XP boosters would still appear active on the UI after they were used up.

Temporarily available: Lewis gun squad

Supply drop


This patch notes also cover the notable fixes that we released in the past few days.

Silver Chest "Rocket Hail"